Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Peanut butter and toes

CURSED is the man that relies on man, and maketh man his arm.

People can only do what they are able

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Who are the dogs

"Give not that which is holy unto the dogs," Matthew 7:6.

Jesus here refers to a class who have no desire to escape from the slavery of sin. By indulgence in the corrupt and vile their natures have become so degraded that they cling to the evil and will not be separated from it. The servants of Christ should not allow themselves to be hindered by those who would make the gospel only a matter of contention and ridicule.

But the Saviour never passed by one soul, however sunken in sin, who was willing to receive the precious truths of heaven.

[And suffer as Christ stated that we would].

Saturday, February 11, 2006

No fellowship without extensive conversation for non-Christians.

It is forbidden for Christians altogether.

The Time of Trouble

Satan will excite to still greater intensity the spirit of hatred and persecution

People do not realize that in order to create a spiritual condition he is willing to pull them along by all kinds of deceptive lies

The Great Controversy, Ellen G White

When God's presence was finally withdrawn from the Jewish nation, priests and people knew it not. Though under the control of Satan, and swayed by the most horrible and malignant passions, they still regarded themselves as the chosen of God. The ministration in the temple continued; sacrifices were offered upon its polluted altars, and daily the divine blessing was invoked upon a people guilty of the blood of God's dear Son and seeking to slay His ministers and apostles. So when the irrevocable decision of the sanctuary has been pronounced and the destiny of the world has been forever fixed, the inhabitants of the earth will know it not. The forms of religion will be continued by a people from whom the Spirit of God has been finally withdrawn; and the satanic zeal with which the prince of evil will inspire them for the accomplishment of his malignant designs, will bear the semblance of zeal for God.

The Time of Trouble

The Great Controversy, page 614, paragraph 1

When He leaves the sanctuary, darkness covers the inhabitants of the earth. In that fearful time the righteous must live in the sight of a holy God without an intercessor. The restraint which has been upon the wicked is removed, and Satan has entire control of the finally impenitent. God's long-suffering has ended. The world has rejected His mercy, despised His love, and trampled upon His law. The wicked have passed the boundary of their probation; the Spirit of God, persistently resisted, has been at last withdrawn. Unsheltered by divine grace, they have no protection from the wicked one. Satan will then plunge the inhabitants of the earth into one great, final trouble. As the angels of God cease to hold in check the fierce winds of human passion, all the elements of strife will be let loose.
Wisdom's ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

From Jesus Christ Superstar

There must be over fifty thousand
Screaming love and more for you
And everyone of fifty thousand
Would do whatever you ask him to

Keep them yelling their devotion
But add a touch of hate at Rome
You will rise to a greater power
We will win ourselves a home
You'll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever
For you'll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever
You'll get the power and the glory
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)
For ever and ever and ever (Amen! Amen!)

Excellent although I now recognize as somewhat sacriligious