Wednesday, March 29, 2006

I Died For Beauty

I died for beauty, but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed?
"For beauty," I replied."
And I for truth - the two are one;
We brethren are," he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a-night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips,
And covered up our names.

Emily Dickinson

Friday, March 24, 2006

Valley of Decision

God be merciful to me.

Pour out your remembrance

On the mosaic of souls

that surround the earth

and cover its darkness

Let us find a clear purpose

and focus on a lighter and holier place

so that we may be one with you

and shine too.

Brain restructuring

They are trying to take my brain down today. They cut off a blood vessel on the top of my brain- something at the base of my spine and neck.

My brain has been dying for several years because of these sequential poisoning and the stress.

We are foolish not to discuss all anxieties in detail with each other. There is no point speaking in a code that exists to cover emotions.

It is not difficult to create communities that allow us to worship who we please and live lives that are not destructive and negative. Every pioneer in the wild west brought with them all that they needed to survive. They created grocery stores, hotels, banks, farms -- everything that they needed to maintain their independence. I do not believe any other answer is acceptable for God's people.

It is not wise to allow other forces to take over your emotional and spiritual lives.

God makes us responsible for spiritiual choices. If we are sick we need to try to heal ourselves. If we have brain diseases we are also subject to infirmities. But we must avoid 1.evil (spirit) 2.sickness (flesh) as much as we are able.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Real class

Classes should be divided by how much harm a person is willing to cause others or can be induced to cause others under the right circumstances.

Regardless of monetary value those who are respectable and decent should be separated from those who are not.

Perhaps education (or a love of learning for those with less means) should also be a criteria.

The appeal of paganism

During the French Revolution the aristocracy was forced to scramble for existence. During a spiritual equivalent of the French Revolution with dirty peasants roaming through spiritual palaces, I am sure that it will be essential for people not to turn away from what is right or join the unholy.

I hate vain thoughts, but thy law do I love. Ps 119.113