Saturday, June 30, 2007

Fleshly Excellence


Social Insufficiency
Genetic Superiority


Social sufficiency
Genetic Inferiority

With marriage protocols are followed
without intelligence is required

Needed is one man of intelligence and independence to remove over protocols

Christians are not telepaths


must love others
self less
overcome genetic retardation


must overcome social insufficiency

Electric excellence is death in motion

Pain begins as an itch

Becomes an ecsatsy of destruction

String-pulling is death and stupidity


Fleshly excellence (entire)


Lightness and bone (quick)

Substance, slow (egg) female
Determinant, quick (sperm) male

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Where is the support from the Christian community?

The more established Christian community has to break off parts of itself to give to the ones in obvious or known need.

Rend your hearts -- soften your attitude and change your thinking only allow the right thoughts to settle on your heart

Friday, June 22, 2007

I'm not in a system, I dont need help, just money to escape those who are insane!!!

The spiritual demonic system, Affects our lives with allotments of suffering and interference.

It is now in control of the job system and affects some sociability.

1. Common sense
2. Ignoring telepathic instructions and
3. Complete adherence to the Christian community guidelines.

(Actually sell your land and share everything with other Christians.)


Christian community saves

Friday, June 15, 2007


christian community saves

high coding (dont lose)

Off marriage

Harass abuse and make fun

not development but raucousness

children lack power

control harmony
quality solutions


Saturday, June 09, 2007



Because they are animals, they try to destroy what they do not understand. Heaven is not dominance but harmony.

NOTES Also, they keep adjusting the internal levels of people so that they can create too many lies.

There have also been systematic brain degenerations, including destroying the entire brain, covering the brain with another person's brain energy, and forcing the brain to rely on another's brain patterns.

The body is readjusted to support varying amounts of energy.

This is evil because it is claustrophobic, it destroys individuality, and it also subsumes the mind to the animalistic passions of others.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Saved from the borg (Send Money)


Stealing Brain

Not Joining

The Horde

Better to be individual

Pretending to be demons

to distract from common sense

listen to the child

so they can return with help