Thursday, July 12, 2007

to tell others the truth requires attention to the word of God and also to the dispersement of all blessings from God.

we warn those who are God's children
when they write me I will also add the more urgent information

we are the keepers of the sheep of God
as priest we discern between holy and unholy.

to pass the informtiation to the seekers of truth

we contribute to the body of knowledge
and attain higher heights through our understanding and love of God.

contamination of the information blurs the purity of the holy seed.

(the brain is mixed the words are still from the original brain
but its just energy)

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Takeover of the mind: My brain was possessed recently.

First I was possessed by a demon.
This changed the protocol around me, and the people that surrounded me were strange.
Adding codes they began to shift my focus so that I followed many promptings around.
Then I traveled and some internal protocols were changed and my emotional state was heightened to an unusual degree.
Then I returned to the United States, and they poisoned my brain in the water and some of the Cafeteria food.
I lost several brain abilities.
My genes were changed with viral genetic overrides, and my hands were changed so that my fingers web in between and my thumb has traveled at least an inch down my hand.
Then I was made homeless so that my emotional state was exaggerated. My energy levels were heightened by the secret group attacking me silently.
I was poisoned again, including crystal meth. I lost more of my brain.
Then I was forced to go to a camp where they took down my brain for the first time.

then my ears were destroyed telepathically.

then my neck and spine were crushed telepathically.

then my stomach was torn apart and my brain shut down, and covered over by the energy of another brain, which influenced the way the I think.

Then the bottom hernia in my stomach was pulled down.

My nerves were stripped.

My eyes pulled back in my head
My nose stretched out
my lips replaced by another energy

the energy from my heart drained

the awful monster replaced my body with her energy, and tried to control my muscles.

God help me.