Monday, October 29, 2007

The Charge Of The Light Brigade

HALF a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns!' he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

'Forward, the Light Brigade!'
Was there a man dismay'd ?
Not tho' the soldier knew
Some one had blunder'd:
Their's not to make reply,
Their's not to reason why,
Their's but to do and die:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.

Flash'd all their sabres bare,
Flash'd as they turn'd in air
Sabring the gunners there,
Charging an army, while
All the world wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line they broke;
Cossack and Russian
Reel'd from the sabre-stroke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then they rode back, but not
Not the six hundred.

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon behind them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
While horse and hero fell,
They that had fought so well
Came thro' the jaws of Death,
Back from the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of them,
Left of six hundred.

When can their glory fade ?
O the wild charge they made!
All the world wonder'd.
Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Light Brigade,

Noble six hundred!

Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Attacks from the Unholy

While sleeping I have been molested by an older woman
I have also been raped by a protector
I am possessed by a demon spirits's energy
My back has been broken
My stomach has been mutilated
My intestines destroyed
My face has been taken over by a demon's energy
My brain has been drained of cerebrospinal fluid
The blood to my brain has been cut off
There are Japanese beetles that were running under my skin
My brain has been cracked
My muscles dessicated

Saturday, October 27, 2007

God defines beauty

They must never destroy the holy
Because they misunderstand its beauty

By definition that which is sacred is beautiful. God made us in His image because he loves to see our faces.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Keeep me in thy care
I am thy righteous saint
Thy handmaiden
Of battle against the devil
And will not allow christ's name to be maligned

The Antichrist or Christianity

Real Freedom by Warren Wiersbe

Read Psalm 119:41-48
Many people have the strange idea that God's Law and man's liberty are enemies. They say, "I want freedom. I want to do my own thing." How wrong they are. God's Law and your liberty go hand-in-hand, and verse 45 makes this clear. "And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts." Now, the world would write that verse like this: "And I will walk at liberty, for I reject and break Thy precepts. I'm going to do my own thing, my own way."
Let's get down to basics. What is freedom? Some may say freedom means the privilege of doing what you want to do. But that is not freedom. In fact, that's the worst kind of slavery in the world--to be controlled only by your impulses and inclinations. Real freedom is a life controlled by God's truth and motivated by His love.
This is true in every area of life. If we obey the traffic laws, we have the freedom to drive on the streets and highways. If we obey the laws of truth, we have the freedom to speak, and people will believe us. If we obey the laws of science, we won't blow up the laboratory. If the airplane pilot obeys the laws of aerodynamics, he will be able to fly his plane. You see, we have the freedom to enjoy the power of the Law when we have yielded to the commandment of the Law. So when I submit myself to the will of God, I am taking my first step toward freedom. As Charles Wesley wrote, God "braks the power of canceled sin; He sets the prisoner free." He says, "If you submit to me, together we will enjoy truth and love."

Pasted from <>

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thought for Thursday October 25

So much of what the world offers is trivial, false and worthless. Don't build your life on the world's foundations. Build your life instead on the Word of God, for it endures forever.

Pasted from <>

Friday, October 19, 2007

Holy People of God

Holy People of God

  1. Never pray to the community. If the community were holy you would only need to ask. Don’t obey telepathic (non-written)!! Obey your own conscience. It is IDOLATRY.
  2. The mind and heart is a ‘house of prayer.’ Do not make it a den of thieves.
  3. ‘Move away from the tents’ of evil people. Like Korah and Lot of Sodom and Gomorrah for they are about to be destroyed. Flee if necessary.
  4. Destroy the demonic infidels that possess the holy person’s body according to the Old Testament Law (in Leviticus) or that lead us into idolatry.

Jealous of ‘Status’

Jealous of ‘Status’

Or that I am not important

Or that I am not all and everything

That I did not create myself

That I did not choose my parents

That I did not choose myself or my children.

(Please respect the Holy)

Finally, SOME communal is necessary so try to enjoy it. Otherwise demand your normal allotment of energy, force the government to provide adequate life training and free 4-Year university to all people.

At the Point of Transaction

At the Point of Transaction

1. Speak until agreement is reached.

2. Give space to the one that asks for it or needs it (Return to Number 2 if unresolved)

3. Admit that “I need too”

Emotional Holiness

We will achieve maximal level of emotional holiness and mentally daily successional development.

Emotional Holiness

a) Cause no harm to homo-sapiens units except verbally for emphasis

b) Face the diving in direction and energy and respect the communally sacred

c) Be moderate, accurate and complete

d) Contribute at least 1/10 of your money to those who are below your peer group

Second Letter

You are allowing yourselves to be degraded by watching stupidly as the demons continue to attack me. They are coming up with a formula to destroy you and will make you monkeys in cages. Stop agreeing to have yourselves coddled by death. Stop gawking and defend yourselves by defending me. Do only what I ask. Remove the imbecile from my body. Stop obeying demons!! How stupid can a Christian be? Stop controlling my life or else you will have no defenses against cannibalistic demons. Do what Christ told you to do and send me a regular ‘tithe of money since I am evangelizing.

Try going to a cognitive behavioral therapist, or buy a book and develop ways of thinking logically and not emotionally.

Letter One

There is an attack against us because of our holy position in society. There are very violent people trying to tear us to pieces because we have so much holy protection. It might be useful to consider suggesting that the community move perhaps to Africa or Europe.

We are accepting intense amounts of abuse as though it is normal just because it is silent. Please notify others and consider this urgent! I am being detained and abused illegally and am having difficulty with an emergency evacuation. Please contact the community by email immediately.