Saturday, September 22, 2012

God is more intelligent than you are.
Thank You God for encouraging me.
Please send her back to her den.
God, give me persistence in doing right.
Pray for those who attack you.
Let God have His way.

God has a frame around your children. God has the right people lined up for them.  Its hard to kick against the frame.

Persist, even if they get worse. God has to allow it, nothing
will get through the hedge.  The enemy cannot do what he
wants, God has to permit it. Job was protected.

She is contaminating me, please cleanse me.
Have love for her, she needs discipline.
Teach me to understand You, I need discipline too.
Show me how to be a blessing to others.
Trust God more in suffering.
Being with God is greater than any earthly level.
Are we fixer-uppers?
Be sure to dream big.

Make us all better Christians, do no let us suffer.  I am in the
brottherhood of Christianity, help me to worship Thee.
Help my spirit to be cleansed of pride.
You prefer the humble spirit to the know it all.
Let Your Holy Spirit dwell in me once again.
Please remove the attacks upon me.

The seed of the righteous shall be mighty in the land.
God will push you towards your divine destiny.
Jesus, You are my Rabbi.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

White people are dirty.

You reap what you sow.

I want a brooder, like Russell Brand.

As I sit in a meadow singing, I am loved.

You like your life, go away and enjoy it.

Heidi, money, weight, husband

An idiot, and a cruel freak.

In adulthood we discipline our childish animal tendencies.

Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, a victim into a victory.  God is Good, all the time.

Leave it in God's hands.

Please return my conscience to me. Please God, help me to make it on my journey to intelligence, help me to find a family in Europe, and  a husband.

Please take me out of the depths of demonic activity.

We are surrounded by intelligence (in animals).

Can I bring forth more fruit now? God, purify me so that I might shine in Thy power.

John 15.2
Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Make me a holy (better) Christian.  Forgive my pride in being Caribbean.  Thank You for making me Caribbean.

I didn't know what I was doing when I played with the devil, he is death.

Help me to recognize how lucky I am.  Forgive me for my pride.  Help my spirit to be humble You. It is better to have mercy on everyone, than judgment.

Give me money so that I might honor my parents.

Make room for increase.  You are setting the limits to your life through your thinking. Its not up to God, but up to you as God has limitless provisions.  Have a billionaire container, God can do exceedingly above and beyond.

God wants to catapult me to a new level.

Hell is not for us, we choose to go there.

You are cruel, not cool.

God, remove the hardness of Heidi's heart.

Your power is great.

I need to be made strong to bear my afflictions. No pity.

I will not let You go until thou bless me. Help me to know Your Mind, Holy God.

Have mercy upon Heidi, and open her heart and mind.  God loves her enough to discipline her.