Friday, December 16, 2005

Obssessive exclusions

God what is the purpose of the persistent exclusion? It is not to exclude at all -- that is irrelevent, and always done. THey are mor interested in the process than the product. In fact, they insist on including you in the product.

It is the sorrow of others that is essential to these types of people.

So that the soul loses its grounding and is awash in a sea of misery where hte devil finds the door open to control the heart and mind. Christ does not allow this, the heart should be lowly, but not broken in this way because.

god tgives us the assurance of our value and necessity in life, our protection from overwhilming destruction, our being upheld under strong persecution.

We desire another country -- heavenly. We are trapped by seeking the approval of others, by relying on people wholeheartedly by worshipping the public we are to learn to be individuals upheld only by God's word this is the essential key that God wants us to develop. We are to be separate, to lose all other people, to lose our lives.

The Christian heart holds onto faith, truth and beauty, which never dies or changes. It is the natural heart which must die because it is Satan's playground.

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