Monday, January 30, 2006

Lawlessness -- Its your own fault

The antichrist is the lawless one it says in the Bible.
If they substitute llamas for people then normal people should take charge of the stupidly - behaving people.
Also will have to form a society WITHOUT the stupid people
Also should not even bother to interact within STUPID peoples society and false rules
because it just makes it grow
If people, for example, should make a rule that you have to rub their privates before you interact with them.
Just find less stupid to interact with, ie People who think that kind of behavior is disgusting.
THere is no reason to accept a broken misshapen society.
Ignore what you lose and find other normals.
They did it in the wild west ALL THE TIME
People who continue to enable this awful situation are stupid and become even more so as time passes.

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