Sunday, July 30, 2006


A young sergeant was serving the British army in Egypt under the Highland Regiment.
This soldier was an effervescent and shining Christian.

When he was asked how he came to know the Lord Jesus as Savior, he recounted his conversion by saying, "
There is a private in this company who was converted in Malta before the regiment came to Egypt. We gave that fellow an awful time. On one terrible night he came in very tired and wet. But before getting into bed, he knelt down to pray. My boots were soaked with water and covered with mud, and I let him have it with one on the side of his head, and I struck him with the second on the other side. But he just went on praying. The next morning I found those boots beautifully polished and standing by the side of my bed. That was his reply to me, and it just broke my heart. I was saved that day."

Our response to those who lie against us must never be to lash out against them. As we arise early in the morning, perhaps after a day in which our character has been slandered and our conduct has been slashed, we must arise with a commitment to live a life like the Lord Jesus who, when He was reviled, reviled not again. Only then will we live happily in a world filled with unhappy people.

Reaction or Response by Woodrow Kroll
from Daily Devotions found at:

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