Tuesday, March 27, 2007

"We Recognize No Sovereign but God, and no King but Jesus!" John Adams and John Hancock, April 18, 1775

A spiritual authority is an authority without a body. Christians only obey God as their spiritual authority.

God gives governments authority through written law. We should never submit to superstitious behaviors.

If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small." - Proverbs 24:10

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nazis - Put These People in Their Places

NM (8:46 PM): when i was with you in New York I had a dream that
NM (8:46 PM): i was in some kind of tomb with you
NM (8:46 PM): also that I walked somewehre with bloody footsteps
Jon (8:46 PM): charming
NM (8:46 PM): and also that I was moving quickly and screaming
NM (8:47 PM): they are like bad memories
Jon (8:47 PM): uh huh
Jon (8:47 PM): and the question is?
NM (8:47 PM): what is your explanation for this
Jon (8:48 PM): um, extreme emotional distress?
NM (8:50 PM): what about that group you were with stealing things from certain stores
Jon (8:50 PM):
Jon (8:50 PM): huh???
NM (8:51 PM): you people are weak minded cowards, stealing behind peoples backs
Jon (8:51 PM): erm...
Jon (8:51 PM): say what??
NM (8:52 PM): you are too involved with horror and the occult for me to talk to you
Jon (8:52 PM): oy
NM (8:52 PM): you know what cthulhu is
NM (8:52 PM): something like that
Jon (8:52 PM): have you gone nuts by any chance?
NM (8:52 PM): youre a new nazi, the pathetic snivelling kind
Jon (8:53 PM): yup, you have gone nuts
NM (8:53 PM): you brainwash yourselves to think well of yourselves
NM (8:54 PM): plus your minds have been taken over by the occult
Jon (8:54 PM): what group was stealing things and from what stores?
NM (8:54 PM): you used to select stores based on the manager and have groups of people steal things from it to get them fired
Jon (8:55 PM): why am i not aware of it? and where can i get my share of what was stolen?
NM (8:55 PM): you used to wear a mullet
Jon (8:55 PM): congratulations, you finally said something lucid
Jon (8:56 PM): and a mullet is a sing of satan?
NM (8:56 PM): sensible people need to take over
Jon (8:56 PM): a sign of satan, rather
Jon (8:56 PM): without mullets?
NM (8:56 PM): most of you people are self serving feeble brained psychotics
Jon (8:57 PM): and by "you people" you mean...?
Jon (8:57 PM): most of the population?
NM (8:57 PM): i could not care less who it is
NM (8:57 PM): it is a pathetic infestattion
Jon (8:58 PM): and what does Chtulhu have to do with it
NM (8:58 PM): you are obviously incapable of a managerial position
NM (8:58 PM): I would like to know that myself
NM (8:59 PM): You are primitive voodoo addicts
Jon (9:00 PM): yes, and we all wear mullets and are incapable of a managerial positions
Jon (9:00 PM): i got it
NM (9:00 PM): you are possessed by your whiteness, which is of very little value
Jon (9:01 PM): obviously, since it cant even get us managerial positions
Jon (9:01 PM): then again, nor can the Great Chtulhu
NM (9:02 PM): what is involved in that ?
NM (9:02 PM): Dont you think you might be an infestation?
Jon (9:03 PM): while we are on the subject, you ARE aware that Chtulhu is a FICTIONAL character, just like Santa Claus
Jon (9:03 PM): Lovecraft made him up, you know
Jon (9:04 PM): no, i think that you appear to have a psychotic breakdown
NM (9:04 PM): that would be sad
NM (9:04 PM): not at all
NM (9:04 PM): you had that fat girl from the kkk in my apartment
Jon (9:05 PM): ok, very slowly now because you are losing me: what fat girl from the KKK?????
NM (9:05 PM): she spent the whole time talking about how her dad is a great poobah
NM (9:05 PM): something like that
Jon (9:06 PM): who was she again?
NM (9:06 PM): also you had me do strange exercises to make me look more appealing to your beady little minds
NM (9:06 PM): how am I supposed to know
NM (9:06 PM): i think she moved to harlem
Jon (9:07 PM): i have no clue who you are talking about
Jon (9:07 PM): her dad was grand poobah?
NM (9:07 PM): apparently
NM (9:08 PM): weve never used that kind of language with each other!
Jon (9:08 PM): obviously i didnt know her all that well if i cant even remember who you are talking about
NM (9:09 PM): oh
NM (9:09 PM): are you under emotional distress
Jon (9:09 PM): lol
Jon (9:10 PM): re-read what you wrote for the past 10minutes and then decide who is under emotional distress
Jon (9:12 PM): what "strange exrecises" did you have to do? i do not recall those either
NM (9:12 PM): completely backward
NM (9:12 PM): youve regressed the modern age to the dark ages of superstition and stupitidy
Jon (9:42 PM): none
Jon (9:43 PM): no more stupidity!!!
Jon (9:43 PM): down with stupidity!!!
Jon (9:43 PM): up with... what?
NM (9:43 PM): it takes too long to explain
Jon (9:44 PM): does this mean i cant come visit? or do i simly need to wait until you calm down?
NM (9:44 PM): you must realize that this is of little value to anyone
Jon (9:45 PM): me visiting?
NM (9:45 PM): up with truth, then
Jon (9:45 PM): yay
Jon (9:45 PM): up with truth!!!
Jon (9:45 PM): no more nazi crotches!!!
NM (9:46 PM): we all have crotches, there is no need to display them lovingly
Jon (9:47 PM): i agree
Jon (9:47 PM): no more crotches on display
NM (9:47 PM): why have power, and create a montrosity, to essentially get the same thing
NM (9:47 PM): its like the alchemist's tale
Jon (9:48 PM): got it
Jon (9:48 PM): no Chtulhu, no crotches
NM (9:48 PM): it is a failure to update yourselves
NM (9:48 PM): simply
NM (9:48 PM): women did, men did not take the time
NM (9:49 PM): they cannot manage themselves and their emotions in a progressive way
NM (9:49 PM): they created a monstrosity
NM (9:49 PM): the machismo got out of control!
NM (9:51 PM): machismo, paranoia, other men

NM (9:53 PM): take some time to update yourselves, become emotionally intelligent
NM (9:53 PM): then we can avoid oddities
NM (9:54 PM): universal principles of intelligent self management
NM (9:55 PM): progressive non-bashing ways of dealing with the 'other'
NM (9:56 PM): if the US government and recognized the problem, and given the backwoodsmen jobs and mental health updates, we would have a normal country
NM (9:56 PM): there should have been some basic family training years ago, after WW2
Jon (9:57 PM): maybe you should write to the president
NM (9:58 PM): a little foresight
NM (9:59 PM): in the mangerial position

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Is Providing for our Children an Acceptable Excuse for Selfishness?

It is a deception of Satan to preach that it is necessary for us to be selfish and self-serving all allegedly for the sake of our children. If we are supposed to trust God to take care of us, how much more are we to trust Him to take care of our children, who do not belong to us, but to Him. This is a popular lie to justify destructive and essentially evil behaviors. God gives us grace and provides for us, but we are never relieved from our duty to provide for the less fortunate.

If Christ, while He was on earth, would share His own meal with those who needed food, how much more are we, even when we are poor, under obligation to give. The widow of Zarephath was commanded by God through Elijah to take the very last of her food before she and her child starved to death and give it to the prophet of God, so that she could be provided for by God. There is no one who calls himself Christian who can allow himself to excuse this Satanic spirit on the basis of necessity.

Elijah said to her, "Don't be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small cake of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. 14 For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says: 'The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the LORD gives rain on the land.' " I King 17.13

To be as generous as Abraham, or Job, or any of the many wealthy biblical heroes, we have to realize that money is not for us to hoard, but to do our job, which is to be a source of relief and comfort in the world. We are given resources as stewards, as middlemen in the processing of money.

"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?' Luke 12.20

A lack of generosity eventually turns into violent destruction towards others and insipid self-serving behaviors. Money is one of the talents that God gives to people which is supposed to be a means of transforming the lives of others.

Taken From: http://www.mydailyconnection.com/moreantichrist4a.html

Friday, March 16, 2007

True Love

To Lucasta. Going To the Warres.


Tell me not, (sweet,) I am unkinde,
That from the nunnerie
Of thy chaste breast and quiet minde
To warre and armes I flie.


True: a new Mistresse now I chase,
The first foe in the field;
And with a stronger faith imbrace
A sword, a horse, a shield.

Yet this inconstancy is such,
As you too shall adore;
I could not love thee, dear, so much,
Lov'd I not Honour more.
by Richard Lovelace

Pasted from <Poetry Blog>

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Klimt - Apple Tree

More than externals

You must allow regualar people to love whoever they want to. Stylized love is fine, but sensible love should be encouraged. A man should not be embarrassed to love a woman with thick ankles.

Play the man

Play the man, it says somewhere. Where are the men who actually have the strength to withstand the rabble?

Ninnies, lets not completely lose perspective!

It is much too much
It is becoming narcissistic and vain

All these idiots had to do was acknowledge something greater than themselves
But they refused to do it

Who wants the mewling affections of an idiot who insists that he will not love the best
Or love whomever his heart desires
Either would be admirable

But to love the one that makes you look good and popular
Is the highest level of conceit
And narcissism

To constantly lie to oneself to prevent giving any credit to the excellence and power of others is primitive.

Lets not lose perspective, I would prefer truth to the high honor of your affection!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Friday, March 09, 2007

Prepared by God's Word

Jesus already provided for us to survive this attack by the occult, but telling us to share all things in common. The Christian church is meant to be communal.

"See I have told you before. . . ."

Thursday, March 08, 2007

A friend in need

We are free to love who we please.

Just let someone know if you no longer want to be friends.

Especially when they count on you for advice when they are afraid.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Christians do not have an unseen 'community'

Jesus is able to work in the unseen spirit-world miracles such as were foreshadowed by those, which he wrought in the visible natural world.
Spurgeon "The Devil's Last Throw"

There is no reason for us to interact or be concerned about the demon world. We only need to deal with reality.


Then the bishop, calling William, asked him if he would recant, and finding he was unchangeable, pronounced sentence upon him, that he should go from that place to Newgate for a time, and thence to Brentwood, there to be burned.

About a month afterward, William was sent down to Brentwood, where he was to be executed. On coming to the stake, he knelt down and read the Fifty-first Psalm, until he came to these words, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and a contrite heart, O God, Thou wilt not despise." Steadfast in refusing the queen's pardon, if he would become an apostate, at length one Richard Ponde, a bailiff, came, and made the chain fast about him.

William now cast his psalter into his brother's hand, who said, "William, think on the holy passion of Christ, and be not afraid of death." "Behold," answered William, "I am not afraid." Then he lifted up his hands to heaven, and said, "Lord, Lord, Lord, receive my spirit;" and casting down he head again into the smothering smoke, he yielded up his life for the truth, sealing it with his blood to the praise of God.