Thursday, March 22, 2007

Nazis - Put These People in Their Places

NM (8:46 PM): when i was with you in New York I had a dream that
NM (8:46 PM): i was in some kind of tomb with you
NM (8:46 PM): also that I walked somewehre with bloody footsteps
Jon (8:46 PM): charming
NM (8:46 PM): and also that I was moving quickly and screaming
NM (8:47 PM): they are like bad memories
Jon (8:47 PM): uh huh
Jon (8:47 PM): and the question is?
NM (8:47 PM): what is your explanation for this
Jon (8:48 PM): um, extreme emotional distress?
NM (8:50 PM): what about that group you were with stealing things from certain stores
Jon (8:50 PM):
Jon (8:50 PM): huh???
NM (8:51 PM): you people are weak minded cowards, stealing behind peoples backs
Jon (8:51 PM): erm...
Jon (8:51 PM): say what??
NM (8:52 PM): you are too involved with horror and the occult for me to talk to you
Jon (8:52 PM): oy
NM (8:52 PM): you know what cthulhu is
NM (8:52 PM): something like that
Jon (8:52 PM): have you gone nuts by any chance?
NM (8:52 PM): youre a new nazi, the pathetic snivelling kind
Jon (8:53 PM): yup, you have gone nuts
NM (8:53 PM): you brainwash yourselves to think well of yourselves
NM (8:54 PM): plus your minds have been taken over by the occult
Jon (8:54 PM): what group was stealing things and from what stores?
NM (8:54 PM): you used to select stores based on the manager and have groups of people steal things from it to get them fired
Jon (8:55 PM): why am i not aware of it? and where can i get my share of what was stolen?
NM (8:55 PM): you used to wear a mullet
Jon (8:55 PM): congratulations, you finally said something lucid
Jon (8:56 PM): and a mullet is a sing of satan?
NM (8:56 PM): sensible people need to take over
Jon (8:56 PM): a sign of satan, rather
Jon (8:56 PM): without mullets?
NM (8:56 PM): most of you people are self serving feeble brained psychotics
Jon (8:57 PM): and by "you people" you mean...?
Jon (8:57 PM): most of the population?
NM (8:57 PM): i could not care less who it is
NM (8:57 PM): it is a pathetic infestattion
Jon (8:58 PM): and what does Chtulhu have to do with it
NM (8:58 PM): you are obviously incapable of a managerial position
NM (8:58 PM): I would like to know that myself
NM (8:59 PM): You are primitive voodoo addicts
Jon (9:00 PM): yes, and we all wear mullets and are incapable of a managerial positions
Jon (9:00 PM): i got it
NM (9:00 PM): you are possessed by your whiteness, which is of very little value
Jon (9:01 PM): obviously, since it cant even get us managerial positions
Jon (9:01 PM): then again, nor can the Great Chtulhu
NM (9:02 PM): what is involved in that ?
NM (9:02 PM): Dont you think you might be an infestation?
Jon (9:03 PM): while we are on the subject, you ARE aware that Chtulhu is a FICTIONAL character, just like Santa Claus
Jon (9:03 PM): Lovecraft made him up, you know
Jon (9:04 PM): no, i think that you appear to have a psychotic breakdown
NM (9:04 PM): that would be sad
NM (9:04 PM): not at all
NM (9:04 PM): you had that fat girl from the kkk in my apartment
Jon (9:05 PM): ok, very slowly now because you are losing me: what fat girl from the KKK?????
NM (9:05 PM): she spent the whole time talking about how her dad is a great poobah
NM (9:05 PM): something like that
Jon (9:06 PM): who was she again?
NM (9:06 PM): also you had me do strange exercises to make me look more appealing to your beady little minds
NM (9:06 PM): how am I supposed to know
NM (9:06 PM): i think she moved to harlem
Jon (9:07 PM): i have no clue who you are talking about
Jon (9:07 PM): her dad was grand poobah?
NM (9:07 PM): apparently
NM (9:08 PM): weve never used that kind of language with each other!
Jon (9:08 PM): obviously i didnt know her all that well if i cant even remember who you are talking about
NM (9:09 PM): oh
NM (9:09 PM): are you under emotional distress
Jon (9:09 PM): lol
Jon (9:10 PM): re-read what you wrote for the past 10minutes and then decide who is under emotional distress
Jon (9:12 PM): what "strange exrecises" did you have to do? i do not recall those either
NM (9:12 PM): completely backward
NM (9:12 PM): youve regressed the modern age to the dark ages of superstition and stupitidy
Jon (9:42 PM): none
Jon (9:43 PM): no more stupidity!!!
Jon (9:43 PM): down with stupidity!!!
Jon (9:43 PM): up with... what?
NM (9:43 PM): it takes too long to explain
Jon (9:44 PM): does this mean i cant come visit? or do i simly need to wait until you calm down?
NM (9:44 PM): you must realize that this is of little value to anyone
Jon (9:45 PM): me visiting?
NM (9:45 PM): up with truth, then
Jon (9:45 PM): yay
Jon (9:45 PM): up with truth!!!
Jon (9:45 PM): no more nazi crotches!!!
NM (9:46 PM): we all have crotches, there is no need to display them lovingly
Jon (9:47 PM): i agree
Jon (9:47 PM): no more crotches on display
NM (9:47 PM): why have power, and create a montrosity, to essentially get the same thing
NM (9:47 PM): its like the alchemist's tale
Jon (9:48 PM): got it
Jon (9:48 PM): no Chtulhu, no crotches
NM (9:48 PM): it is a failure to update yourselves
NM (9:48 PM): simply
NM (9:48 PM): women did, men did not take the time
NM (9:49 PM): they cannot manage themselves and their emotions in a progressive way
NM (9:49 PM): they created a monstrosity
NM (9:49 PM): the machismo got out of control!
NM (9:51 PM): machismo, paranoia, other men

NM (9:53 PM): take some time to update yourselves, become emotionally intelligent
NM (9:53 PM): then we can avoid oddities
NM (9:54 PM): universal principles of intelligent self management
NM (9:55 PM): progressive non-bashing ways of dealing with the 'other'
NM (9:56 PM): if the US government and recognized the problem, and given the backwoodsmen jobs and mental health updates, we would have a normal country
NM (9:56 PM): there should have been some basic family training years ago, after WW2
Jon (9:57 PM): maybe you should write to the president
NM (9:58 PM): a little foresight
NM (9:59 PM): in the mangerial position

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