Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Deny Yourself, Take up Your Cross, and Follow Me

At all times Jesus strove to free people from superstition and laws that were contrary to the purposes and intentions of God. (Luke 6.7 , 1 John 3.8, Matt. 16.23)

Jesus was well aware that the Pharisees were watching Him closely in order to
find an excuse to put Him to death, but He, in order to teach what was right,
did the works of His Father God even under their scrutiny because it was the
right thing to do. The pharisees were liars who were enslaving God's people
under a system of stupid and useless rules that burdened the people down so that
they could take no pleasure in worshiping God. (Lu 11:46, Matt. 23.13, Luke 6.1, Mark 2.27)

How abominable that what worked to destroy the Jews is now accepted by Christians and is now causing them to fall into the same trap. So just as the era of the Jews ended when they looked at useless rules instead of their Savior, so Chrisianity is becoming empty because people are in spiritual bondage and have no place for the Spirit of God in their hearts.

All those that want to follow God will be blessed with a way to do so, because it is the spirit that gives us our holy desires. (Matt. 5.6 )

And he said to him: Follow me. Luke 5.27

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