Thursday, January 20, 2005

Earthly Time

How much time do I have on earth?
I would like to spend it wisely and efficiently. I would like to be of highest use possible to God. I would also like to be able to do things quickly. I am pretty convinced that my purpose is to be different and remain reasonable, and receive funding to do the will of the Lord.

Oh I forgot, I have to accept apparent wastes of time because the Lord, through His angels, is protecting me from other problems, and preventing me from something worse than what appears to be waste.
Then merciful God, How best can I fill this uncertain time with things that will be of use to You?
I will spend my time religiously, but should I also write? paint? The uncertainty of Your Will for me leaves me with confusion about how I should spend my time.
Other people have ideas, but most of them are not from You, so please show me the directions that You wish me to move in.
I have forgotten that no one knows how much time they have on earth. I will have to make a reasonable guess.

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