Sunday, February 20, 2005

It is a shame even to speak of the things that they do in secret

Give no opportunity to the devil.
Eph 4. 27
--Give the devil no room, space or license, power or occasion.
Ignore the devil completely
TAKE NO PART IN THE UNFRUITFUL WORKS OF DARKNESS, BUT INSTEAD EXPOSE THEM For it is a shame even to speak of the things that they do in secret. Eph 5. 11

To me this means, tell what the Spirit impresses you to tell, but things that you do not know or are only rumored about do not even consider or think about. Defend truth and holiness, the rest must be avoided.

Things that have only been suggested should certainly not be thought about or imagined. They are the unconverted children of darkness and what they do is the result of their allegiances. What must be done is to bring souls to Jesus, and He will help them clean up their behavior.

This also applies to homosexuality, btw, because we are not to condemn, but avoid what we consider unholy. It is God's business to sustain and support them and convince them that they need new hearts. Our only work is not to condemn, but to help them to lean on Jesus. Once they lean on Jesus He will give them the strength and conviction that they need.

Civilly they should be respected as are all citizens under government. Because the soul that does not lean on Jesus is a very dark soul capable of all kinds of awful things, so they should not be targeted in that way. How many heterosexual men are demonic and destructive in their behavior!

There has to be a separation between church and state.

Under current translations of the Bible homosexuality is a sin. Open sin cannot be a part of the clergy's life. The bible is relatively clear about the church's role in dealing with visible sins.
We are to judge those inside the church.

But outside of the church, there should be no difference between homosexuals and all other people.

The rules of the church are for defending the body of Christ. It is impossible to have a church of Christ if Christ obeyed.

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