Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Why it is important to speak and remove this interaction from a spiritual level

Usually when you push back the children of God, You push back the presence of God.

This is why it is important for the children of God to stand their ground.

Because the devil wants you out of the way.

It is a sin because in deferring SPIRITUALLY, you block the Holy spirit

And allow the unholy to enter in.


Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)"Don't be afraid, Daniel," he said to me, "for from the first day that you purposed to understand and to humble yourself before your God, your prayers were heard. I have come because of your prayers.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Mary Pondered

We give the devil freedom

To twist our lives into
Uncertain paths

But we are ambassadors of Christ

God has allowed us to be necessary

A conduit of His will

As Jesus said, the rocks and stones will cry out
If we do not

But we will

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Blessed people who God remembers

Blessed is he that blesses you, and cursed is he who curses you!

While they refuse to call a blessing upon you,
We bless you in the name of God.

Numbers 24.9, Psalm 129.8 New American Bible

God does not change

On your feet, Balak. Listen,
listen carefully son of Zippor:
God is not man, one given to lies,
and not a son of man changing his mind.
Does he speak and not do what he says?
Does he promise and not come through?
I was brought here to bless;
and now he's blessed—how can I change that?
He has no bone to pick with Jacob,
he sees nothing wrong with Israel.
God is with them,
and they're with him, shouting praises to their King.
God brought them out of Egypt,
rampaging like a wild ox.
No magic spells can bind Jacob,
no incantations can hold back Israel.
People will look at Jacob and Israel and say,
"What a great thing has God done!"
Look, a people rising to its feet, stretching like a lion,
a king-of-the-beasts, aroused,
Unsleeping, unresting until its hunt is over
and it's eaten and drunk its fill.

Numbers 23:18-20 (The Message Bible)

Inhumanity and infestations

The difference between a government and an infestation is in its ability to be fair and non-intrusive to its citizens.

Unqualified for self-exaltation

Our consciences are our warning signals.

They are based on what we have been taught as human beings, and to go against what we know is right, is to fail our purpose.

By doing what we know is wrong we create negative and unstable structures that do not accomplish but cause deterioration

This is a basic part of the human psyche and to do what you believe you shouldn't for personal gain

God says to repent. To admit wrong, and turn away from this action.
Confess and admit to those you have wronged, and cause no harm.

Basic management of variety is all that is necessary if dominance is required. Primitive macho-ness is not excellence.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Andromeda -- Gerard Manley Hopkins

Now Time’s Andromeda on this rock rude,
With not her either beauty’s equal or
Her injury’s, looks off by both horns of shore,
Her flower, her piece of being, doomed dragon’s food.
Time past she has been attempted and pursued
By many blows and banes; but now hears roar
A wilder beast from West than all were, more
Rife in her wrongs, more lawless, and more lewd.

Her Perseus linger and leave her tó her extremes?—
Pillowy air he treads a time and hangs
His thoughts on her, forsaken that she seems,
All while her patience, morselled into pangs,
Mounts; then to alight disarming, no one dreams,
With Gorgon’s gear and barebill, thongs and fangs.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

D'Invilliers -- Then Wear the Gold Hat

Bring me a blank piece of paperMake it blank so I can write down all that I want about you
Bring me a black pen – no, make it blueI know that’s your favorite color too
I worry about the past like youI think about the future too.

I sat here on this chairWiggled ‘round a bitAnd sometimes stared
That’s you on the wall right therePick up jeans and braided hair

Just twist with me, just turn with meJust stroll the streets alone with meYou don’t have to burn it with a pen and paperBut if you do, be good to me

Wear the Gold Hat if that will move herIf you can bounce high, Bounce for her tooTill she cry, “Gold-Hatted lover I must have you.”

Wear the Gold Hat if that will move herIf you can bounce high, Bounce for her tooTill she cry, “Lover, Gold-Hatted High-Bouncing Lover I must have you.”

I know the truth dies with the lies that we forget
I know that these eyes look in your eyes every chance they get

This is the story of the greatest of the mornings from the summer rain
This is the story of the way that you talked, the way that she talked
And I just look at her….

Wear the Gold Hat if that will move herIf you can bounce high, Bounce for her tooTill she cry, “Gold-Hatted lover I must have you.”

Wear the Gold Hat if that will move herAnd you will bounce high for her tooTill she cry, “I must have you, I must have you, I must have you.”

Bring me a blank piece of paperBring me a penI’d like the blue one againDon’t you worry about the sentencesI can’t write them out ‘til I’m back again

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Why boasteth thyself in mischief, O mighty man?

Honourable titles are but irony where the wearer is mean and cruel.

Pasted from <>

A true and faithful witness

Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the Lord our God. Jer 42.6

For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. 2 Chron 16.9

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The fragility of human will

"A great number of wise men is the protection of the world." Wisdom 24?

How awful that the stability of the world depends on the thinking of men who can be coerced or manipulated.

Human Limitations - the uselessness of microscopic cellphones

But go and learn what this means: 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Matthew 9.13

To be perfect I could avoid gray, but my perfection is a conversation with a Higher being, and not a tangible thing.

We are still stained, not in behavior, but by assignment. So, in Christianity, perfect behavior is not of value (for salvation, but for sanctification).

If someone in the rain finds shelter in an abandoned building, it is fine. We are human and it is a blessing to share even if unknowingly. This is why I sometimes leave money in unusual places -- you never know how someone's life may be blessed.

We share the crumbs of our lives -- they fall even when we don't see.

A limit is necessary so that we are open to human need.

And so magnanimity is best.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


"Pressed Forward"

Trials are for us to perfect our obedience

Sacrifice all things for obedience

So that after God can call you up to a new level of development

Thus God used wicked men to be his scourge to chastise a still more wicked nation, who were yet the objects of his affection and love. Spurgeon (Storming the Battlements)

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Straight Paths

Heb 12:13 And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed.

With liquid thinking the world becomes a tangled mass around you.

With acknowledgment of unholy spiritual powers your life becomes subject to these powers.


Stop suffering for voodoo's sake, and do what is asked and sensible! (trusting God and the sensible Christian community).

A Warning Rejected

The social gets in the way of spiritual

Jesus said drop everything!! For that reason

The social realm (whether silent or spoken) has its sphere,
but for Christians no spiritual authority at all.

Because it has chosen the darker destructive path