Thursday, June 29, 2006

Holy Spirits and Unclean Spirits, Obediance to God

Christians are only to share their spirit with other Christians

They are never to fellowship with indeterminate types of spirits

They are never even really to associate with these types, because of the corrupting influence

Christians are supposed to offer to the general community assistance and opportunity to join.

That is all.

Jesus does not approve of nonsense. The Amish and Hasidic are smart, possibly because of persecution.

Spiritually, the unholy live like rats in a dirty cage, and when they see a christian who lives in the freedom of Christ , they rub themselves on them because of their separateness. They are of course not willing to pay the cost of being Christian.

Groups always harrass outsiders, so this is why the Christian must be persecuted to be true.

If not you know you've missed.

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