Saturday, June 03, 2006

Strict Obedience requires reliance on God ONLY

"You have discarded the old nature with its deeds and have put on the new nature." (Col 3:10 NEB)

The devil tries to suggest unholy actions

Regardless of who has joined the devil
We must stand with God

Ignore the incorrect thinking of those who surround you. They are not your source, but Christ. They are fallible beings, and unless in a relationship with God, they are not to be relied on. They do not have the strength on their own to support your STRICT OBEDIANCE to God's will.

Ignore any outward appearances -- people who are rich, attractive, well-connected are as useless as the rest. Do not be distracted by what they seem to be.

As Christians our commission is to obey our convictions as they apply to God in His holiness. At any point in which we see that we might disobey God, we must avoid wrong.

If sorcerers try to communicate with you in their language, Christians are never to respond, let alone learn the language. It will separate us from God.

Our company is Holy and eternal, there is no need to adjust to the transient mob.

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