Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Aggressive attitude towards black women.

Make God your business partner.
Give me wisdom and understanding.

Make me repent and obey You in everything. Help me to become a professor.

Grant me freedom.

Proverbs 16:9 says, “Though man plans his way, the Lord directs his steps.

Revelation 3:8 says, “I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.”

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cast out the devil,
help us to obey and follow Thee.

Job prayed for his
friends, God turned his life around.

Moses killed an
Egyptian to conquer, but God had another way.

The cry of Israel
came to Him finally.

I cannot life
without You, please remove the devil (Heidi).
Dear God cast out this spirit.

Love is more than
deeds, love is obedience to God.

Dear God, it is too
confusing to me. God's reputation is at
stake. She is Adventist. It is too much information for me.

We are sent to
deliver Israel from slavery. Am I ready for the meat of the gospel? Help me to absorb and live the milk of Your

Come now so that I
no longer have to suffer, so we suffer no more.

Help us to reflect
Your spirit. Jesus did not treat everyone the same, John was beloved.

You never fail, you

A lifetime
income. Help me to be obedient to you.

What you make happen
for others, God will make happen for you.

One day of favor is
worth lifetime of labor.

You have seen and blessed my efforts.

Boiling water heats elements slowly to the point of no reture, so a Christian nation converts its own.

Sin is dangerous.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Please help her to be happy wherever she goes. Grant me wisdom and understanding. Jesus I would like to socialize with other Christians, maybe nuns.

Christianity is a rescue effort.

Where am I going to find my husband?

Spend your life becoming like Jesus.
Jesus I am not able to do this on my own. I know that what You do for me will be for the best. Dear God grant me discernment.

Send Your Holy Spirit to me so that I can be happy and full of love. Help me to know that You will take vengeance upon my enemies completely.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Help me to obey and be virtuous. Thank You for showing me a higher way. Help me to find holy and intelligent people to be with.

How do I live as a Christian?

Please show me how to shine. Teach me to praise Your Holy Name.
Help me to understand You. Thank You for Your word of guidance. Be my husband that I might rest in Your almighty care.

Thank You for helping me to worship You. Dear God, send him to me.

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
I thank You for sharing Your religious experience with me.She has no conscience.

Thank You for the beauty of Your holiness.

Be still and know that He is God.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God asks you to give what you do have.
take vengeance upon those who have attacked me

Make me holy and righteous.
Please help me to find Your holy children to fellowship with.

Show me how to be full of Your love.

Send me your Holy Spirit. God almighty pour out Your love upon me. I need Your Spirit. She is trying to climb up a slide. It only goes down.

Pour out Your wonderful spirit upon me. Please sweep my soul clean of Heidi.

Grant me wisdom. Show me the holy path to walk on.

Is there a way to filter her out? Glory be to Your holy name for everything You have done for me. I am Your disciple, teach me Your way.I pray that You will show me how to be good to people. God I pray for Heidi, help her.Dear God give me wisdom and holiness.Where I am, not where I am going.What a shining light Tom Cruise is.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I cannot live without Your love for me.
please give me your holy spirit once again.
Cleanse me from this contamination.
God is preparing me for the wilderness.
I pray that You give me discernment and wisdom.
I cannot live without Your love for me.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

She's a devil, and I do not know how to interact with her. She has no sensible spirit. She is a demon.

I am supposed to pray for her. She is a monster. God says to treat her well. Help me to forgive her, and treat her as you want me to.

The cup seems to keep us from God's presence. Show me the sin in cuteness, and cast out the demonic spirit in frivolity.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

God will help me to survive.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

You are in church because you want to become holy and want to do what is right, not because you have already reached this point.
Your spirit is everywhere.
Help me to live in Thy presence and joy.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Please help me not to suffer needlessly