Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cast out the devil,
help us to obey and follow Thee.

Job prayed for his
friends, God turned his life around.

Moses killed an
Egyptian to conquer, but God had another way.

The cry of Israel
came to Him finally.

I cannot life
without You, please remove the devil (Heidi).
Dear God cast out this spirit.

Love is more than
deeds, love is obedience to God.

Dear God, it is too
confusing to me. God's reputation is at
stake. She is Adventist. It is too much information for me.

We are sent to
deliver Israel from slavery. Am I ready for the meat of the gospel? Help me to absorb and live the milk of Your

Come now so that I
no longer have to suffer, so we suffer no more.

Help us to reflect
Your spirit. Jesus did not treat everyone the same, John was beloved.

You never fail, you

A lifetime
income. Help me to be obedient to you.

What you make happen
for others, God will make happen for you.

One day of favor is
worth lifetime of labor.

You have seen and blessed my efforts.

Boiling water heats elements slowly to the point of no reture, so a Christian nation converts its own.

Sin is dangerous.

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