Friday, January 18, 2013

Greatness is achieved through time.

Earth is the only hell we will ever see.  Thank God for heaven!

The demons shudder because of God.  We do not undertand His Majesty (Be still and know that I am God).

Develop an intimate personal relationship with God.  He sustains all things.

This is hell, let us live in love!

You are loved by God, and he is here to take you back.

Fall in love with your customer and what they need.

Do not wonder why you are suffering, celebrate what God is doing in you.

Help her to be happy with what she has and stop looking at what everyone else has.

Perhaps aliens are aware that our earth was hit by an asteroid and will be hit again. They might have ships or winged serpents.  The aliens attacked the Indians, and selected the white in them. Perhaps they want us to develop technology to help them get back home

She recognizes the obvious.

I need to be purer and walk closer to Thee.

God, give me a strategy to fight against this wolf!

The angel strengthened Him.

Deep inside God gives us peace. God, be active and pour out Your light upon me.

Touch her heart.

We need a solid foundation.

What we do in life echoes in eternity.

The human spirit

Could the sun be hell?

Brokenness is God's requirement for maximum usefulness.

Walk with God means to stay in rhythm with him.

She is so full of hatred.

Where does He want me to go.

Please heal my suffering.

Heal and protect me from her attacks.

What a waste of talent

God let me have a loving spirit, regardless of what happens to me.  Please give me the mind of Christ.

If someone dumps their garbage on you, don't let it upset you.

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