Sunday, December 26, 2004

Honor His Presence

If God places His presence somewhere we have to honor it, if God surrounds something we must 'take off our shoes'

It is not the mountain, but the holy fire of God on the mountain

I believe that God must make His presence known to His children, so we should not be afraid of not seeing it

Saul did not recognize God's presence in His word
and took His word lightly

Even as God is above our dimensions
His word embodies His presence
and every word becomes full of judgment
bringing death or blessings

Do you think that they can create a personal purgatory that reflects a world full of your sins? Wouldnt that be awful, or is it a way for them to take the gems of the universe.

I honestly cannot keep track of my sins, because I am a sinner and sin naturally. But if I can keep track of each word of God then there might be some hope that Jesus will recognize me.

How can we see sin except through the word of God
How nice that God illustrated the reality of consequence with instant death in that instance.
How comfortable we are with death deferred

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Life is meant to be enjoyed, like wine

Blessed Lord God, thank you for reminding me You have all power in your hands. You created people and their personalities and You have made them little masters of their universes, or masters of their little universes and they learn some things and create beauty from what they learn to control. By strength and skill they arrange what they cannot control, so that they can taste and drink in the essence of being.
Blessed Lord God there is no sin in life since life is meant to be enjoyed, it is You who created enjoyment and the parts we enjoy
But since life is precarious because of sin you insist that we anchor our focus in You and Your law in order to keep us from being consumed until we have passed through the trial of earth and can live fully in the new earth.

Wholly and Completely

God please have mercy upon me
I need reverence because I want to worship you in my entire body and soul, and I need to know you wholly and completely. Acknowledging Your eternal majesty and becoming a pure instrument in Your hands.

My Confidence

You are the only essential in the universe
You created us as expressions of yourself for a purpose
You will accomplish this purpose
When I recognized how fleeting the world was,
I agreed to die to it
Or I agreed to let things go
and accept what came
This came only after investigating my cherished desires and the things that I felt were important.
Then it was out of my hands and I became rested.

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Let live

my philosophy of life when all is madness
They are ALLOWED to live as they choose God does allow this

Friday, December 17, 2004

Your angels are mighty

I suppose that I have not understood how fasting is considered humility, but I will make it a sacrifice of humility.
It is possible that I take some things for granted because of my rights through Christ
Christ already did everything, what is there for me to do?
Forgive me for not understanding, I am willing to understand if You would teach me .
I suppose that I am used to the Holy Spirit doing everything for me.
I am used to everything being done, I cannot believe that I have to do
things on my own.
God how is it possible that I do not understand this? Your angels are mighty. I am tired, everything is hard, what is it You want me to do?
I do not understand merciful one, what you want me to do. God I do not have the strength on my own, please in Your mercy help me to do what I want to do, which is really to do Your will for me. Help me.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

The severity in which God holds these faults.

I am careless in my worship
I do not recognize my reality to God and heaven
I consider myself invisible and not noticed
I do not think of myself as taken seriously
so I do not take what I do or say seriously
I do not think that it is noticeable
If I were to believe that God considers us capable and expects us to behave as reasonable additions to His eternal court, well then I would be horrified by myself
But fortunately, I think of myself as one of the masses on earth scrabbling for a meager existence and that Jesus has perhaps spread over us the grace that we need to make it to heaven and then everything there could be taken seriously
otherwise it seems like there would be a lot of work and self monitoring and self consciousness
Also this whole thought monitoring, I thought all of these things could take place after the resurrection so that one
could one just scrape by while on earth

we must grow
and being perfect in one level
we must move on to the next
having been made perfect
or having done one's utmost!!!! and very best
God then covers with His grace what was lacking
and then it is time to be moved
But we must, after fear of change, be grateful-- for if God is still with us then we are forever a branch that is filled with His Spirit.

Our Soul's Voices

We have taught instruments to sing, but aren't our souls closer to our own voices?

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Refined Gold

So material a difference does it make, not what ills are suffered, but what kind of man suffers them. For, stirred up with the same movement, mud exhales a horrible stench, and ointment emits a fragrant odor. St. Augusting-City Of God

That's funny as though we were a large pot of raw material that is boiled to see which qualities each one of us posesses.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Something of God

"Something of God...flows into us from the blue of the sky, the taste of honey, the delicious embrace of water . . . " C.S. Lewis