Thursday, December 16, 2004

The severity in which God holds these faults.

I am careless in my worship
I do not recognize my reality to God and heaven
I consider myself invisible and not noticed
I do not think of myself as taken seriously
so I do not take what I do or say seriously
I do not think that it is noticeable
If I were to believe that God considers us capable and expects us to behave as reasonable additions to His eternal court, well then I would be horrified by myself
But fortunately, I think of myself as one of the masses on earth scrabbling for a meager existence and that Jesus has perhaps spread over us the grace that we need to make it to heaven and then everything there could be taken seriously
otherwise it seems like there would be a lot of work and self monitoring and self consciousness
Also this whole thought monitoring, I thought all of these things could take place after the resurrection so that one
could one just scrape by while on earth

we must grow
and being perfect in one level
we must move on to the next
having been made perfect
or having done one's utmost!!!! and very best
God then covers with His grace what was lacking
and then it is time to be moved
But we must, after fear of change, be grateful-- for if God is still with us then we are forever a branch that is filled with His Spirit.

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