Friday, December 17, 2004

Your angels are mighty

I suppose that I have not understood how fasting is considered humility, but I will make it a sacrifice of humility.
It is possible that I take some things for granted because of my rights through Christ
Christ already did everything, what is there for me to do?
Forgive me for not understanding, I am willing to understand if You would teach me .
I suppose that I am used to the Holy Spirit doing everything for me.
I am used to everything being done, I cannot believe that I have to do
things on my own.
God how is it possible that I do not understand this? Your angels are mighty. I am tired, everything is hard, what is it You want me to do?
I do not understand merciful one, what you want me to do. God I do not have the strength on my own, please in Your mercy help me to do what I want to do, which is really to do Your will for me. Help me.

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