Sunday, April 08, 2012

I want a man who does not put his feet up on furniture.

Why do you have to attack me? I am not interested in exchanging anything for my life.

There are constant mutations being tested on life and new environments.

My King, have mercy upon me.

He always lives to make intercession for us.

Failure is a result of unbelief. Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God.

Num 23.19 Deut 27.3

Obedience is proof of faith. Faith commands and receives.

Forgive her for the sins that she has committed.

Forgive her for the darkness that she has caused.

Remove it to a church level. You shouldn't mess it up if you don't want to fix it. Fix everything. Ill take it off, that is the right code. Please move on. Can you stop torturing me? What keeps you here?

Retard, why are you attacking me?

God's spirit is worth more than millions.

She is charming.

God give me the wisdom to discover the right.

She knows no justice but her selfish self. Help her to be sane.

She doesn't know what she is doing. Let me be happy too. God gives her beauty too.

Take it off completely, I want to be normal too. It's not my problem that she does not like me.

I can be happy because she is being human.

I have been arrogant, and not allowed leeway for our human condition. I should be lenient.

Obedience to God, give a tithe. You reap what you sow. Sow unto God.

I will pray that you are blessed so that you do not attack others.

We are all special in some way.

Problems in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.

The frugal characters of countries, such as Germany.

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