Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Walk like Enoch, in heaven while on earth.

Thank You for this example that we can reference.

Submit to God, resist the devil.

Please help me to walk into heaven.

I see peace in the eyes of our king.

Why do roses have to live among thorns?

Dear God show me how to be rich.

It is because of Jesus that I am alive.

It's the harder way, but it's the better way.

My safety in Canada, she should go now.

She thought that I was on a lower level. They are trying to get rid of HER. God, give me the wisdom to deal with this monster.

Thank You for helping me to get through my Agoraphobia, please help me to be cured completely.

In faith give God no rest. The law is on my side, please enforce the law because of my shameless persistence.

Japan is a heathen country.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Fix my weight.

Poor white people attack other white people. They are like animals.

So that she can get the hang of it (going away). Heidi should be grateful for everything, it could all be taken from her in an instant.

The valiant never taste of death but once.

Caesar's friends washed their hands in his blood. I am cool among Yalies.

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