Saturday, April 28, 2012

Play the hand we have been given.

Your problems are not there to defeat you, but to increase you.

Trouble is inevitable, but defeat is optional.

We are all full of sin, we are all changing.

God save your majesty, God preserves kings and queens, and the rich.

Television does not mean far seeing, it means tv.

Dear God, I was so stupid not to take that word processing job and the teaching job.

I want to live in You.

Boldness is taking action in the presence of fear.

Torturing me is not allowed.

Make someone else's dreams come to pass. (Sow a seed in your time of need.)

When you help others, God will help you.  When you meet other people's needs, God will meet yours.

Dear God thank You for my health. 

Give away what you need.

People are waiting for the love of God.

This level requires self-lessness.

I am being attacked because I fought for the Lord in Rosarito.

God give me wisdom and strength to bear this cross.

God, please take away the reproach from asking Heidi for money.

Dear God, why do You want me to avoid work?

What should I be accomplishing?

I can't be too religious.

Some are spring flowers, some are ugly and make no effort.

 The birds spend their time and energy gathering eggs.

Don't be anxious.

God please show me why this suffering is necessary.

I leave helping people up to You, grant me my billions.

Be happy, don't torture people.

Take care of yourself first, give of your overflow.

Forgive her for her sins, she doesn't know what she is doing.

Just because it is older does not make it inferior.

Meditate on desires.

We are Native Americans.

Protect me in this system.

From Oprah:  Living your life with an open heart, through love.  You are a spiritual being having a human experience.  A part of a higher consciousness.

I need to move on with my life.

Capture the spirit (code) of a country.

Killing to Survive

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