Saturday, November 27, 2004


The need to be special leads to so much evil in the world. Isn’t it what motivates the racists? Doesn't it motivate the money-grubbing greed? Everybody wants to be special.

From Strong's Concordance:
AV-exalt 9, ... up 9, haughty 5, higher 4, high 3, above 1, height 1,proud
1, upward 1; 34

I think the word that clarifies the essence of the desire is higher, wanting to be higher (than self, others). A lack of contentment
It isn’t that you are not content with yourself, it is not really a self-criticism.
I think it is the criticism or categorization of others. The desire to be special specifically to others in the world. It is locating the focus of your esteem in the approval of others and not God. Apparently this need is strong enough to destroy the earth in greed and hatred. God made us special to Him as His unique children.

Copying something that I wrote about self criticism: Other-criticism is not always a bad thing. It can be overdone. Others should be accepted recognizing that God has given them life and that their purpose is to serve Him. He has made them adequate to accomplish His will. He has given them everything in life to enjoy.

I think that what is missing is the acceptance of other people. I am able to think of them as precious individually, because I believe that each soul that comes to God is a beautiful thing, and in this I am not a respecter of persons. But groups I have not learned to love. I am convinced that there is wickedness in the masses. I now think that this may be irrelevant. Jesus accepted the masses, but corrected individuals. I on the other hand am afraid of the masses of people and it is safer not to accept them for fear of missing what I want to do. It is almost like that 'I drew a circle' poem.

Isn't this fear where the love of money comes from, (and that love is of course the root of all evil). The need to be special and how this leads to all consuming fear vs acceptance of self and others with no fear.

Now God, what are we supposed to accept and what are we not supposed to accept.I think we are supposed to accept everything. This is the Bible’s definition of love. (1Cor13) I think what the point is is to accept the condition in which you find humanity, and to allow God to work out His purposes in His earth. Jesus never tried to change anything politically.I think that we are even to accept evil in some way and not resist, as Jesus never reviled at others and left the evil ones for God to rebuke.(It is a very complicated subject because Jesus always rebuked the wrong that the Pharisees did. )

1. Be nice to the masses who are just trying.
2. Undo the work of the oppressors.
3. Learn to accept the masses and not be afraid of them.

Instead of being consumed by fear, accept.
Also how to live as a Christian with those who are obviously partially possessed

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