Wednesday, November 10, 2004

A Rearrangement of Priorities

It is the enslavement to fear, the worship and addiction to people around you, the restructuring of values, the overriding of the inclination to do good, and the eradication of the meek and lowly spirit of Christ in man that is the central and most important issue. It is irrelevant what system you come up with to accomplish this. It is only important that the focus of life has become destructive, even if this is only in little ways.

To learn a new committment to God I will have:
To believe that Jesus is willing to make earth into heaven, to imbue us and our lives with heavenly grace.

To believe that the darkness of this earth is for the glory of God to shine

To believe that my weakness is for the revelation of the Strength of Christ

To believe that we are earthen vessels so that all the power may be seen to be from God

To learn to glory in my weakness
to learn to turn away from all that I am
and embrace all that the Father has revealed to me
to learn to see the perfection of God in all that is

to learn to give up all things to Him
to learn to accept all things that He has given.

Well this is a rearrangement of priorities, that must be done

So first is God's spirit in me
His glory
His honor on earth

Next is everything else

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