Tuesday, November 02, 2004

How very holy

How holy! To devote one's life to poverty. What God does to those He loves!

Why should any of us be called to poverty? Why doesnt God choose to accomplish the same thing in comfort since He is all powerful? How are we supposed to subdue ourselves without limits? There will be nothing of us left. How can God create us and then take away our selves? "When Christ calls a man he bids him come and die."

As they observe us from heaven where do the angels find the need to subdue someone beyond all reason? Perhaps we are privileged if we only understood. Also, even reason has to be subsumed under the will of God, but this is hardest of all. It seems that life should at least be reasonable.

How do I recognise it as being from God? Wouldn't this deify poverty itself? Asceticism should develop without choice as a result of following Jesus. It should be a by product of the heart's pain.

I would have to live it to know its results since Christ says the fruits are what determine value. I am impressed by St. Francis of Assisi, but I do not at all understand him.

Is it true that the world was created on October 7th? The day of atonement is around that time. Is October important in creation? Is there a blessing associated with the first month as there is one associated with the firstborn? Why does God like things that are first?

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