Thursday, November 25, 2004

Hungry and Alone

We are born hungry and we are born alone, and the comforts of family, friends, food, career, riches are all only temporary distractions from our essential selves.

When these things are stripped away we become meaningless, our lives are without a point.

The struggle to fill these needs is what motivates us to live.

But our essential selves are cold, inert, and undiscovered-- unless we find the true spark
that gives life real meaning -- meaning that exists even without any of the things that can be taken away from us, that resonantes in our very core.

We are born to die
and if we continue to be distracted
we will miss the point of living.

The point of life is not to cover our weaknesses and nakedness.

It is to find the source and beginning of our naked selves.

How lovely it is when souls interact in pure concern for each other. Pure platonic altruism must be a gem in the eyes of heaven. A diamond that flashes purely in the dark brokenness of earth.

We are in essence so simple, and if we could understand our existence first then maybe we could move on to more complex things.

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