Tuesday, November 02, 2004

It is God, not good, that matters

It is a shame that Christ had no female apostles, although it must have been the convention of the times.

The danger of diverting the Christian mind from the basic truths of Christianity. Indulgences and penances are not basic doctrine, and it leads to tangential pieties and self flagellations. All of which become the focus
and distract from the source of joy. Jesus' gifts and miracles become out of focus and there is instead a focus and all of the issues that surround the core of truth, and so the church became weighted down and bloated with the beauties of the extraneous. Kind of the same problem that the Jews had at the coming of Christ.

How is it that focusing directly on or focusing slighty off from how is it that it is so easy to lose sight of Christ. How is it so easy to decide to commit to something that is part of Christ, but is not Christ Himself. Christ must be the only criteria, with the will of God. Not goodness, piety, law, reason or anything that we can understand. Anything that God says to do is good, as Samuel slew the Amalekite king, which Saul forgot to do.

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