Tuesday, July 19, 2005


The black American experience is a very limited and narrow experience. The culture limits itself to what it considers 'cool' and powerful. It is suffocating for those who are not in it.

My father for example raised us litening to a wide variety of music. Non - Americans are part of the world culture that exchange ideas and flavors in order to enhance life. We listened to musicals and all kinds of classical music.

The exposure and interest is radically different and narrow. As i am seeking to expand my experience, the absolute last thing that I will do is limit myself for the sake of narrow minded people, black or white.

In fact the whole American culture is backwords and is devoid of philosophy. Restricting the experience of more cultured beings because of the ignorance of a few (unfortunately) rich is regressive. How awful that the world is made into a Carl Sandburg poem. (hogbutchers rule the world -- YUCK).

At the same time the fragility of progressive and creative thought -- it is such a shame to cut off the circumstances necessary for development.

But at the same time prophetically, perhaps it is time for an entropic implosion.

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