Friday, July 29, 2005

Strengthen your decision

We are on this earth for a decision. As Christ said, He came to earth to separate between those who accept Him and those who reject Him.

Our time here is spent developing and proving our choice. God is giving us time to choose Him. Those who choose Him have their choice strengthened by trials.

The time is short. Eternity is long. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

This is the time of decision. It is not the time for pursuing new spiritual states outside of what God gives us through the Holy Spirit.
The commands of God are simple and the whole gospel is simple because it is impossible for us to do. It is really God who does it after we accept Him. (Can you imagine an exalted God waiting for His mangy children to accept Him!)

This earth is a rescue mission and we have eternity to spend on other things.

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