Wednesday, July 27, 2005

To my parents

I just wanted to thank you for giving me some advice some time ago. You said to me "Just follow Jesus" and I remembered this and it helped me get through so many difficulties. I prayed today and I have been realizing that Jesus is Truth and must be obeyed.

But God has taken me through so many awful spiritual experiences -- and I believe that He is helping me to be defended against the wickedness that is coming into the world.
But I am glad because Your advice helped to sweep away doubts and confusion. It was a blessing from God.

Mom and Dad, I think that even in the worst of spiritual idolatries, if we give up something our hearts will return to God.

As it says in Lamentations :

Let him sit alone in silence, for the LORD has laid it on him. Let him bury his
face in the dust— there may yet be hope. Let him offer his cheek to one who
would strike him, and let him be filled with disgrace. Lamentations

When you are in the dust and have given up everything you own in the world, and God is moreimportantn to youthann yourdailyy bread, then God can reach you. As long as He gives you the strength to be faithful.

If all other loves are submitted to Him, then He will reign. He has to be everything.
It is always nice if you can retreat to a sanctuary, and ask God to take everything that distracts you from Him.

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