Thursday, July 28, 2005

The separations

He who was an ethereal, powerful and omnipotent creator chose those twelve to represent HIM. The Christians are not a difficult social group to fit into. You will find poor and some rich, unsure and devoted.

The essence of God is not destroyed by these things. If He accepts them into heaven, He will make them ethereal and noble as well. They have all that it takes. They have chosen to believe and give their all.

The important and necessary part of humanity is not in the flesh, it is in the mind, the thinking, and the devoted heart.

Because we are so easily seduced Christ says to love Him alone and foremost so that nothing else will enslave us.

So this tearing apart of the canvas of the universe destroyed a picture, restored by God being made flesh and raising humans to a level of restorative.

The peace and harmony will endure.

This tearing is still going on, this separation. Each time a Christian chooses to love God instead of an earthly love a tear is made. Each time a Christian embraces suffering rather than turning from God another tear is made. The heart of the universe is being torn apart and as a consequence is burying the unholy that have turned from God.

Our suffering is the pain of separation as the fallen spirits call us to their side and God tries to hold us back from destruction.

Everything is being removed and renewed in heaven and on earth.

Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment.
Numbers 16.21

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