Sunday, July 17, 2005

Fear and civility

Its is so strange. We believe in Ellen White, and it has become a part of our heritage since we joined the church by profession of faith. Once we accept the church we accept this as our background. The same thing with Christianity. It is a call to those who share beliefs and want to have a common spirit.

The church is able to maintain its standards without force because it requires committment beforehand.

It is funny that the same thing has not been done with Western Civ, which has now become a bit if a religion. There is no call to like-minded individuals. They do not wish to acknowledge that others can share this heritage (after all they themselves had to learn it from someone) because of so many reasons, fear, fear of superiority, fear of the entropy of civilization. Especially when so many things are normally taught by correction, and can continue to be taught by correction.

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