Friday, July 29, 2005

Love is stronger than death

Men love darkness and it seeps into their souls. "I came that men might have light," and not by anything in sight, but through faith.

I cannot fight love
when our heart's desires are bound to something it is impossible to break this bond apart.

For love is stronger than death.

So then, if they choose to follow what they need instead of God

they are bound forever

what they need will devour them.

God help me, it is far beyond my strength or understanding. Bless me with the gift of obedience.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Isn't love suppose to be a good thing----unless it becomes idoltry? Love is wonderful, but not if it interupts your relationship with God.

This post hit me. I once, let love come between my relationship with God. It was very strong----yes, stronger than death. I can see what you mean. This is a great post. Insightful and very true.

I know that some people will ask---"Well how can love be bad?" Anything that comes in between God and yourself----is 'bad'.

I have you in my favorites----I think this blog is incredible.

God bless!