Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Prayer 0719

God, thank you for Your blessings and Your protections. Please help me to do what is right. Please deliver me from all unholiness and trouble. God, I want to obey You in all things.
They allow the argument.
There are so many commands Holy God, please help me to obey them all.
There are so many principles, please help me to find them.
Let me merciful God find these things and by Your grace minister to others as You have blessed me.
There are so many things that can be done.
God, please in Your mercy redistribute resources according not only to the good that can be done, but according the the degree of obediance. Teach me to obey You in all things even in things I don't understand.
I need to find more things in the bible. When was the last time I did a bible study?

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