Friday, March 30, 2012

Be happy, I have done nothing to you.

You can't argue with stupid. Help her to not be a monster, I do not deserve it.

I liked the 100 year old mansion.

Dear God, I had a full scholarship to medical school, please return this grace to me.

Please help me to make it to Canada.

Change everything back to normal, I have done nothing to you.

Take care of poor children.

Hold a Bible study.

Please help me to love myself.

Dear God, give me a treasure trove of gold. Amen.

It doesn't matter what you know.

She tries not to respect me. I am decent.

Please remove the contamination from me from Heidi's devil.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If holiness is foolishness to the wicked,

How do you make them go away?

You can't molest me. It's a horror story.

Its not fair for her to attack me.

At the right time the message will go through.

Find those who are treated badly, and treat them well.

You are pretending to be on a devil's level.

They must feel inferior if the are cheering each other on. Why should I suffer because of her stupidity?

Respect Kyle.

Thank You for helping me to survive in Switzerland.

Sweet, nice, shy, with edge.

They all want me on the white level. You have to follow the Adventist code. No one else does this level.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Holiness is foolishness to the wicked.

The black woman was not making an effort to be attractive.

Help me to fly down the road.

I am willing, fill me with the Holy Spirit.

Serve the living God.

I felt that you were letting the devil into my life.

Dear God, I put out Lady Tiara and Jenny.

Dear God, if only I had gotten to Grandma in time.

Intelligence in spending on tickets.

If it is from God, He will make a way.

Whatever you do to the least of your brethren, you have done it unto Me.

Make everything work out for my good, as You have promised, Amen.

She won't torment me anymore. She has the community's protection.

My life should not depend upon what little she knows. I deserve my life.

You are lying to yourself.

Please open the door so that I can drive safely.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

We serve a good God.

Sexual arousal through taste and smell -- oysters and lavender.

Jesus, help me to bear this suffering.

God, give me a second chance.

Remove the left code, I cannot feel properly.

Manly men of the 1800's where have they gone?

She has messed up my level. Her brain has made me stupid.

I don't show off my intelligence, I keep it to myself.

Put me back on my old level.

If you are stupid, then you should not attack other people.

She gets affirmative action every day with her white level, she is loved by the community, she should not take what little I have.

I don't want her unholy evil spirit.

Take your brain off!!! It is unholy.

You didn't have to torture me.

Please remove her from me. I am delicate.

They have violent pugilistic spirits.

My memory is going!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Show me how to walk in Your grace.

Please remove the sting of venom in my life.

God will help me.

We each have different sins and forgiveable behaviors, strengths and weaknesses.

Give me the ambrosia of Tom Cruise. Please let my spirit shine with his.

Make Vadim submit to God.

Please let me do things according to my own will and codes so that I can be unique in God.

Thank You for making me happy.

Its dangerous for her to interfere.

God has given us something amazing inside of us. God chose me for such a time as this.

People rise to the level of expectations.

Even though you fall sometimes you will receive the strength to rise.

Jesus will provide for me.

You win from within.

He is God.

It is important what makes me happy and comfortable. Its not my fault, I have done nothing to you. Return my spirit to me.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

She was supposed to help me up OUT of the pit.

Follow the Adventist code.

The Egyptians said take it and go!

Rich God.

Is it a snare?

God has cast our sins behind Him.

He sculpts our characters.

God's love of beauty.

Please help her to leave me alone.

We are in the church. She did love him.

It is not my problem. She can't resolve her sexual feelings for me and regular love. She attacks us because we were nice to her.

Please remove the devil from my spirit.

Don't let people treat you badly. Love yourself.

You do not know the suffering that others have been through.

Cast me up into the sky.

There is darkness in the world.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Julie Chen looks like my aunt.

Hepburn has such poise.

The American slaves were not fighters.

I used to wear plaid dresses that my grandmother made for me.

Save me as You saved David and Joseph.

Thank You for helping me shine in Hong Kong.

What can I bear?

She doesn't want to leave. I am European.

What you are willing to let go to God?

To know God you have to step out on His word.

Learn what you need to go to the next level. The devil torments me. Many are called, but few are chosen.

There is a price to pay, you will have to live a different life from what you have been living.

You were experimenting, put everything back to its old level.

Jesus, friend of sinners. My sins are not important. Jesus suffered.

I can't do this alone.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Stop touching me, stop torturing me.

Do not attack me.

Thank you for helping me survive Loma Linda School, even thougth I used to lean against the wall and clap my hands behind my back.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Thank You God for intervening for me.

Show me how to make money.

Thank You for the manna from heaven.

She is worse than Hitler.

Dear God, they are behind me, they love me and want me to succeed.

Find strength in what lies behind, no chasing for the splendor in the grass, which passeth quickly.

Thank You Holy God for helping me to finish Yale. Help me to move forward. Thank You for the fellowship that I had at Yale.

Please revive my grandmother.

Thank You for the words of Your children so that we can guide each other closer to You.

God help her to put me on my old level.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

There are different types of gambling, some necessary for life.

Dear God change the human heart.

Pour out Your abundance.

Thank You Jesus for suffering for me.

Get thee behind me Satan.

Luke 11.9-10 So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Leave consequences to God. Wait for the Lord, be strong and take courage.

The Holy Spirit dwelling within us accomplishes all things.

Thank you for holding me in Your care.

You are not supposed to interfere, you are also Adventist.

Pour out heaven upon me.

Maybe it is in praise of womanhood

God is the congregation

Let the congregation minister to me

Thank You dear God, for standing for us.

God strengthen me for fasting.

Help me to be in Your Holy Spirit, who opens a door for you

Thank You for no longer enslaving debtors

2 Kings 4.2

We have nothing but a small jar of oil

Jesus multiplied what she had.

If you are full of yourself, the Holy Spirit has nowhere to go.

Empty yourself so God can fill you

God is attracted to weakness

Come with your needs to God

Thank You for taking away my New York arrogance

Holy Spirit, cast out the evil spirit.

They used to give blond women the Asian level

Presumptuous prayer

God showed off Job.

Talk to God all day long, as He is your best friend

Teaching you the bad spirit you have yourself, that's what these crazy people are in your life for

Help Roger Mann to be swayed by Your Spirit's love

I felt love

Dear God, deliver me from death

Nicole has ruined one part of my life and spirit by moving to Atlanta, please restore it to me.

Bless my father's commute

Friday, March 09, 2012

I cannot think clearly, she needs to take off my eye codes.

Don't be cruel for no reason.

Please help her to take up my codes all the way up, so that I can be with You again.

Not allowed under the Adventist code. Soften her heart so that I can live in Thy care. I am not a toy. Remove your lust from me.

Take vengeance upon her, and pour out Your wrath upon her.

I deserve my level. Dear God, guide me out of this pit.

You've attacked me for nothing.

Save me from this evil spirit.

The Asians who come here are middle class, they know higher culture.

She will leave me white.

I have broken off my protocol.

Thank you for being sensible.

The rich watch TV too.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Let your spirit move upon her heart as You did with Pharaoh.

God sent plagues upon the Egyptians, please send plagues upon her. What was needed to soften his heart? The loss of his firstborn?

She chases me like Saul chased David. Soften her spirit so that she obeys You immediately.
We were friends, now she has attacked me.

White women have an important job to do, they create the spirit of the country.

Thank You God for protecting me while I was in jail.

Do not be upset with me for tyring to get more money.

You cannot enslave me. I need to worship God in spirit.


She is like Pharaoh. Please cast out Heidi from my spirit.

I am looking for a German businessman who can take care of me and our family.

Jesus grant me happiness and openness.

It doesn't matter if you are enjoying yourself or not, you have to do what is right.

Change her spirit, the power comes from You.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

It's not necessary, you can get what you want without torturing me. Its dangerous. It is not necessary or fair.

You're Adventist, stay on their code. I don't want to be weird.

I have done nothing to you.

I won't invite the devil's influence into my life.

Get over your jealousy. Don't be so desperate. She is twisted.

Give me the word of Thy Spirit.

You have promised that under trying circumstances that You would have the Holy Spirit speak for us, I need You now.

Create a river in the desert, wash Heidi away.

Whenever you are arrested and brought to trial, do not worry beforehand about what to say.

Just say whatever is given you at the time, for it is not you speaking, but the Holy Spirit.

She masturbates and enjoys herself with my suffering.


Follow the Canadian code. Don't interfere.
Don't be afraid, God will help you too.

Forgiveness is for me, for peace in my heart under God.

The church is a golden candlestick, or lamp-bearer, set up for enlightening this dark world,

and holding forth the light of Divine revelation.

Give me wisdom, discernment and understanding.

Pour out Your protection upon those who worship You and are attacked.

Common sense in protecting your heart against people who hurt you over and over again. Close your heart against them. God give me strength and understanding.

God will forgive me, no need to suffer with this woman anymore.

Receive what is being offered, God has done everything Himself.

Help them to find us beautiful as well.

Don't be afraid. It won't hurt you. I need to be able to drive to work. Thank you, God will bless you.

You were working out my life all along.
Direct my steps into Thy Holy Spirit

She lets the sun shine from her face (Brazilian woman).

You are not allowed to torture me. I don't want to be weird. They WANT to be toilets.

Please remove her from me.

I am on a higher level of whiteness.

Put me on my superior code level, God wants it that way.

Be content.

Grant me wisdom, discernment and understanding.

Everyone else lives without a Heidi.

Deliver me from the devil.

How can you be happy with my suffering.

They have fur on their heads, not curly hair.

A rehydrating oil that will make you look smooth-skinned and younger.

Not enough variety in God's beautiful creation. Mixed people are great.

I'm not going to suffer, I have had enough already.

Judas was the financial secretary, maybe that corrupted his heart.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Direct my steps into Thy Holy Spirit

She lets the sun shine from her face (Brazilian woman).

You are not allowed to torture me. I don't want to be weird. They WANT to be toilets.

Please remove her from me.

I am on a higher level of whiteness.

Monday, March 05, 2012

Direct my steps into Thy Holy Spirit
Please keep me away from sick minds.

Stop her from cheating.

Let my husband be like a lion, beautiful and powerful.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Let me be strong in Your care, please give me strength. Dear Jesus let me reflect Your spirit.

God loves beauty.

Expect to prosper during perilous times.

Bless me.

The stream dried up, time for him to move on God will provide ravens

Possess your possessions

I didn't save my sister, I didn't save my grandmother

Poverty is a curse

I am not going to suffer, God has already done it. Never do I have to bear it again.

I've made a mess of my life...

How would You have me maximize the gifts that You have given to me?

He has suffered, we do not have to.

The Israelites when leaving Egypt demanded payment.

As Christians lay down their lives, what happens to their genes? We must marry other

Christians and raise Christian children. Perhaps the deaths provide a cushion against which

Christianity may thrive.

I will not care.

Help me to find a husband quickly so that I might have a baby for my parents.