Thursday, March 22, 2012

We serve a good God.

Sexual arousal through taste and smell -- oysters and lavender.

Jesus, help me to bear this suffering.

God, give me a second chance.

Remove the left code, I cannot feel properly.

Manly men of the 1800's where have they gone?

She has messed up my level. Her brain has made me stupid.

I don't show off my intelligence, I keep it to myself.

Put me back on my old level.

If you are stupid, then you should not attack other people.

She gets affirmative action every day with her white level, she is loved by the community, she should not take what little I have.

I don't want her unholy evil spirit.

Take your brain off!!! It is unholy.

You didn't have to torture me.

Please remove her from me. I am delicate.

They have violent pugilistic spirits.

My memory is going!

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