Friday, January 18, 2013

Greatness is achieved through time.

Earth is the only hell we will ever see.  Thank God for heaven!

The demons shudder because of God.  We do not undertand His Majesty (Be still and know that I am God).

Develop an intimate personal relationship with God.  He sustains all things.

This is hell, let us live in love!

You are loved by God, and he is here to take you back.

Fall in love with your customer and what they need.

Do not wonder why you are suffering, celebrate what God is doing in you.

Help her to be happy with what she has and stop looking at what everyone else has.

Perhaps aliens are aware that our earth was hit by an asteroid and will be hit again. They might have ships or winged serpents.  The aliens attacked the Indians, and selected the white in them. Perhaps they want us to develop technology to help them get back home

She recognizes the obvious.

I need to be purer and walk closer to Thee.

God, give me a strategy to fight against this wolf!

The angel strengthened Him.

Deep inside God gives us peace. God, be active and pour out Your light upon me.

Touch her heart.

We need a solid foundation.

What we do in life echoes in eternity.

The human spirit

Could the sun be hell?

Brokenness is God's requirement for maximum usefulness.

Walk with God means to stay in rhythm with him.

She is so full of hatred.

Where does He want me to go.

Please heal my suffering.

Heal and protect me from her attacks.

What a waste of talent

God let me have a loving spirit, regardless of what happens to me.  Please give me the mind of Christ.

If someone dumps their garbage on you, don't let it upset you.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Seek first the kingdom of God
May God grant us the wisdom to discover right, the will to choose it, and the strength to make it endure.

Don't be hateful.
I am a light spirit.

Instead of talking about someone, pray for them.

If you can make it through the dirty times, God will give you uplifted circumstances.  Do not despise the days of small beginnings.

Dear God, how do I do things without complaining? When you are forgiving, God is on your side.

Help me to shine for Thy kingdom's sake.

Let there be more love for everyone.  May Your kingdom be exalted.  Thank You for loving
me and delivering me from the dungeon.

I WILL live forever with You. The Lord is with me, that is why I have been successful. Help me Jesus to fight for Your kingdom.

I am not going to lie to make that person feel comfortable. God help her not to have harmed me.

Help me to bear this suffering.

If a guy treats you like he does not give a crap, then take a hint--he doesn't.

Substituted my entire life in exchange for food (money).  Exchanged my peace of mind for money.  I thought she was a Christian.

That man in Rosarito,  I could not judge him because when I was in need, he helped me. But Heidi helped me when I was in need, but she has drawn blood from me in return. She attacked my aura in Takoma Academy.

Give me discernment as You did for David. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.

Every little thing has meaning.  Help me to reflect the mind of Christ.

Have I released an ancient curse by asking for money?

A lovers song.  I am loved even though I have suffered.  An army of one.

Confidence and capability.

Too fruitful, need to deprive the grapes of nutrients -- torture them, make them suffer.

Please help her not to keep making keys of evil towards me.

Sheild me against the dark powers that attack me. Give them something harmless to play

1 Chronicles 16:22 "Do not touch my anointed ones; do my prophets no harm."

Change their hearts and minds so that they are for me, not against me.  Change their hard headedness to blessings to me and my family.  Do not let them attack us. Thank You God for helping me.

We want to make the system tolerable.

There is a solid fabric in praise to God, it is part of His name (qualities).

You have given the devils territory on earth.

Thank You Jesus for taking us through this difficult time.

I am not supposed to be mangled by your retard.  A dog that gets loose needs to pay for damage. She is not supposed to attack me.

Power draws money.

Joseph was successful and HELPED many people.

A person with inner dignity is never embarrassed.

God makes us into masterpieces. So that we may do good works. Everything is waiting for you if you follow the plan.

Psalm 102:13
You will arise and have mercy and loving-kindness for Zion, for it is time to have pity and compassion for her; yes, the set time has come [the moment designated].

Exodus 12:35
The Israelites did according to the word of Moses; and they [urgently] asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver and of gold, and clothing.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

The end of a man is the beginning of God.

Remove the Judas from my spirit, I have been her friend, and she betrays me and tries to attack my spirit.

Even if God is four days late (as with Lazarus) He is still on time.

Dear God, help me to continue my grandma's good works.  It is in Your hands.

If we put our trust in Jesus, He will keep us at all times, and will be our strength and shield. We are to learn valuable lessons from our trials. Paul says, “We glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope ...” (Romans 5:3-5).

There must be entire obedience to God; then our hearts will be in harmony with the spirit that pervades heaven, and benevolence and brotherly love will be in active exercise.  Although we may be weak and helpless in ourselves, all the forces of heaven are at the command of the believing child of God, and the hosts of hell cannot make him depart from the right course if he will cling to God by living faith.

God permits us to be placed under circumstances that will test us, to increase our love and to perfect our trust in him. Those who have an eye single to the glory of God, will manifest in their lives the loveliness and purity of Christ’s character.  Brethren, have courage in the Lord.

Luke 21:19 By standing firm you will gain life.
Hebrews 6:12 We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised.
1 Peter 1:7 These have come so that your faith--of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire--may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

Romans 14:8  For if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's.

They attack the superior and become inferior. We are all superior and enjoy each other's company.  We give them their codes so that they won't cry.

We are Christian!

Heaven, looking down, and seeing the delusions into which men were led, knew that a divine Instructor must come to earth. Men in ignorance and moral darkness must have light, spiritual light; for the world knew not God, and he must be revealed to their understanding.  Christian Education, Page 73

The Teacher from heaven, no less a personage than the Son of God, came to earth to reveal the character of the Father to men, that they might worship him in spirit and in truth.

Sometimes helping hurts, sometime hurting helps.

Thank you for making me in Your image, if she wants Your image she can turn to You.

Doctor's level. We are decent Christian people, we don't deserve to be attacked and harrassed.

She is diligent in doing wrong and hurting people.

Everyone has the power to destroy.  Make us ready for heaven.  The devil is raging against us.  Defend us Holy God, send Your angels to surround us.

She is desperate and hateful. 

Be a missionary to my family.

Even if you feel wrong, choose to do what is right.

I help these people who have no friends, and they turn against me.  God right this wrong.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

God is more intelligent than you are.
Thank You God for encouraging me.
Please send her back to her den.
God, give me persistence in doing right.
Pray for those who attack you.
Let God have His way.

God has a frame around your children. God has the right people lined up for them.  Its hard to kick against the frame.

Persist, even if they get worse. God has to allow it, nothing
will get through the hedge.  The enemy cannot do what he
wants, God has to permit it. Job was protected.

She is contaminating me, please cleanse me.
Have love for her, she needs discipline.
Teach me to understand You, I need discipline too.
Show me how to be a blessing to others.
Trust God more in suffering.
Being with God is greater than any earthly level.
Are we fixer-uppers?
Be sure to dream big.

Make us all better Christians, do no let us suffer.  I am in the
brottherhood of Christianity, help me to worship Thee.
Help my spirit to be cleansed of pride.
You prefer the humble spirit to the know it all.
Let Your Holy Spirit dwell in me once again.
Please remove the attacks upon me.

The seed of the righteous shall be mighty in the land.
God will push you towards your divine destiny.
Jesus, You are my Rabbi.

Sunday, September 09, 2012

White people are dirty.

You reap what you sow.

I want a brooder, like Russell Brand.

As I sit in a meadow singing, I am loved.

You like your life, go away and enjoy it.

Heidi, money, weight, husband

An idiot, and a cruel freak.

In adulthood we discipline our childish animal tendencies.

Only God can turn a mess into a message, a test into a testimony, a trial into a triumph, a victim into a victory.  God is Good, all the time.

Leave it in God's hands.

Please return my conscience to me. Please God, help me to make it on my journey to intelligence, help me to find a family in Europe, and  a husband.

Please take me out of the depths of demonic activity.

We are surrounded by intelligence (in animals).

Can I bring forth more fruit now? God, purify me so that I might shine in Thy power.

John 15.2
Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Make me a holy (better) Christian.  Forgive my pride in being Caribbean.  Thank You for making me Caribbean.

I didn't know what I was doing when I played with the devil, he is death.

Help me to recognize how lucky I am.  Forgive me for my pride.  Help my spirit to be humble You. It is better to have mercy on everyone, than judgment.

Give me money so that I might honor my parents.

Make room for increase.  You are setting the limits to your life through your thinking. Its not up to God, but up to you as God has limitless provisions.  Have a billionaire container, God can do exceedingly above and beyond.

God wants to catapult me to a new level.

Hell is not for us, we choose to go there.

You are cruel, not cool.

God, remove the hardness of Heidi's heart.

Your power is great.

I need to be made strong to bear my afflictions. No pity.

I will not let You go until thou bless me. Help me to know Your Mind, Holy God.

Have mercy upon Heidi, and open her heart and mind.  God loves her enough to discipline her.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

You are not cool.  I need you to be sensible so that I can trust you.

We must function.

The rules are simple, just avoid each other.

I need Your mercy. Be merciful to me.

Don't be afraid of embarrassing God. He is willing to listen.

insane, trustworthy, stop touching me, be happy and content. i don't deserve this.  Don't be afraid. Parasite.

It's not allowed. Don't touch me, you're not holy, by choice.

Stop making things up, that's not the system.      Change her mind to holiness in Thy mercy. Cast out the demon from her spirit so that the Holy Spirit can come in.  Jesus resurrect me. I want to be Christian. 
What authority does she operate under?    

You've got to tear it down to make it beautiful.

Forgive me for the mistaken paths I took (Mexico).

They worship their women.

Be incredible.              

Just a little light from heaven.

God qualifies the called.

The lost are spiritually bereft.

Bring people joy and comfort.

How you respond to what happens to you.

Trust Jesus and everything will be OK.
Please remove Heidi so that I might be in my right mind.  

Please convert Heidi. Help me to be a missionary to Heidi. 

Give her a heart of flesh.

God's yoke is easy.  God will take care of you.  This too shall pass.  Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning. You are God of justice.

You can find beauty in every face.   

Don't be weird about my code.                                         

Friday, July 06, 2012

Dear God, deliver me from Mexico.

It was good, even the natural law.

The KKK told her to go away.

Maybe you have to let go of who you were to become who you will be.

Give me my driving code.

Relate to Jesus.

You've got to tear it down to make it beautiful.

There is no reason to keep this going.

Please put me back on my old level.

You've tortured me enough.

Be happy and go away.

Change Your mind. 

Help me to be like my Grandmother in spirit.

God You are a mystery.

God wrestles with us.

Take up my code,  my memory, and my driving.

Help me to be on an angelic level.

Go and be happy. There is no reason to be insane.

There is no limit to what You can give me.

Clean up the mess you have made, put it back.

I am European white.  She has penis envy.  She is trying to make me lower than her.

Leave me on my high level.  You can go up, leave me on my high level.  Be sane not vicious and violent.  You messed it up, you fix it. Be kind. 

God give me the wisdom to caste out Heidi and her demon.

Your life will be lame or legendary.

If the mountain were smooth, you could not climb it.

Stop attacking me. 

Let the Holy Spirit cry unto You for me.

God uses trouble to exalt you.  He is preparing us for the future.  What is He developing in me?

Please remove the hyena from me. There is no reason for me to suffer anymore.

Absorbing the will of God.

It won't hurt you, don't be afraid.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Please help me to shine in Your love.

Please give me the wisdom to cast out Heidi.

Play the hand that you've  been given

My own personality in my spirit, not Heidi demon
Maybe she is humble.

Help me to be successful.

God works in a different realm.  Our flesh must align with the spirit world.  Don't listen to the flesh. 
The world is on its course, God leaves it alone.

I accept the sweepstakes that you will give me.

They have the generational advantage of parentally owned

In heaven, school and mistakes won't matter.

The Lord will deliver me.  She thinks I am a low level.

To err is human to win is divine.

I have a parasite inside me.

I deserve to be happy.

Happiness is not found at the end of the road, it is experienced along the way.

Hope for the best, plan for the worst.

Help us to reflect Your Spirit.

You arent a monster, be full of love, you have a chance to obey Christ.

Your life will be lame or legendary.

Sunday, June 03, 2012

God will give me a double reward for everything I have one through.

I praise You for billions.

Consciousness came before matter?

Life is in tatters because of thoughtless cruel people.

Limp forward despite trauma.

God is mysterious.

I need tuition.

The shining of the Son of God, God is raising for himself sons and daughters in the midst of the battlement against evil.  God raises us in His righteousness, God does everything.  Lifting a diamond out of the mud.

Your billions will help Your children.

Give me the wisdom to get rid of Heidi forever.  Help me to forgive and leave vengeance up to You.

I have cast my bread on many waters.

Friday, June 01, 2012

Cooperating works, being social works.

I commit my life to Your charge.

Change your energy field to change the world. The energy field is affected by holiness.

What is wrong with poor whites?  Why are they on the bottom?

Sense of community.

We are animals with souls.

Thank you for helping me win the lottery.

A new chapter in my life.

Thank You for giving me money.  I do not know how much to thank You for.

Buy Andrews University, all Adventist.  Adventist churches.

I can work with whatever monies you give me at first.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

You didn't value me, you made a mistake. She doesn't value me. You made a mistake, I shouldn't suffer for it.

Your worst day with God is better than your best day without Him.

The Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.

You may have made mistakes but they were not a suprise to God. A crazy person cannot stop God's plans for your life.

God is guidng your steps in every millimeter.

Wait for a miracle.

I could marry a billionaire.

Go away so that I can get a job.

She is white trash.

God is not finished with me yet.

It is not the amount, it is listening to your heart.

Those who come from here must be really happy.

The choices that we make are influenced by evil and good spirits.

I need You more today than I did yesterday.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

If you want to kill it, ignore it.

They don't need to be changed, they need to be loved.

You were a powerful force in my life, please forgive me for stepping of the platform and not waiting for You.

Maybe something needs to be repaired.

If God doesn't solve it, I will have to be happy anyway.

Move forward and see the hand of God's destiny.  What God started in my life, He will finish.

Help me to forgive myself for my mistakes.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What will I do with Jesus?

God will decide, He made it that way.

He lost his position in the hierarchy, yet he does not give up.

God will take you through the fire.  God will carry you through it.

Help will come in time.  Hold on.

Dear God, thank You for saving me.

The feeling of prestige is nothing without money.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Thank You for blessing Vadim through Thee.

You have no right to hurt me.

She is jealous of me.

How wonderful life is with me in the world.

Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.

I want someone to teach me how to play chess.

Help me to know how to be rich.

This is a cry for help (from Kim Kardashian).

I am prepared for Your riches to be poured out upon me.

It doesn't change the fact that I am superior just because you hide it.

God is waiting on you to GET IT.

Be as good to yourself as you are to God.

Your cup must be full.

God open her eyes.

Everything will be alright in the end, so if it is not alright, then it is not the end.

God wants me to do His work for Him.

Put me on Kyles level or better.

I should have been shallower and demanded a nose job.

It is not my fault that you were an idiot.

Go up into Thy glory, thank You for Your suffering.  Behold He makes all things new. 

Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.

The code on my side is God's love.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Play the hand we have been given.

Your problems are not there to defeat you, but to increase you.

Trouble is inevitable, but defeat is optional.

We are all full of sin, we are all changing.

God save your majesty, God preserves kings and queens, and the rich.

Television does not mean far seeing, it means tv.

Dear God, I was so stupid not to take that word processing job and the teaching job.

I want to live in You.

Boldness is taking action in the presence of fear.

Torturing me is not allowed.

Make someone else's dreams come to pass. (Sow a seed in your time of need.)

When you help others, God will help you.  When you meet other people's needs, God will meet yours.

Dear God thank You for my health. 

Give away what you need.

People are waiting for the love of God.

This level requires self-lessness.

I am being attacked because I fought for the Lord in Rosarito.

God give me wisdom and strength to bear this cross.

God, please take away the reproach from asking Heidi for money.

Dear God, why do You want me to avoid work?

What should I be accomplishing?

I can't be too religious.

Some are spring flowers, some are ugly and make no effort.

 The birds spend their time and energy gathering eggs.

Don't be anxious.

God please show me why this suffering is necessary.

I leave helping people up to You, grant me my billions.

Be happy, don't torture people.

Take care of yourself first, give of your overflow.

Forgive her for her sins, she doesn't know what she is doing.

Just because it is older does not make it inferior.

Meditate on desires.

We are Native Americans.

Protect me in this system.

From Oprah:  Living your life with an open heart, through love.  You are a spiritual being having a human experience.  A part of a higher consciousness.

I need to move on with my life.

Capture the spirit (code) of a country.

Killing to Survive

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dear God, thank You for Whim.

Think about it later, money is not urgent, but God is.

You've been a monster when you should have been a friend.

Are they able to accept the truth.

They were aware of the dirt on their feet, what about elsewhere?

Friday, April 13, 2012

Help me to bring beauty into the lives of others.

Fly to Jesus and live.

Get back to the life which I deserve to live

This too shall pass.

I am superior because God wants it this way.

My feelings are not my master, God is.

Humility is your dependence on God.

Forgive her, she did not know what she was doing.

She should be content, God could take it all away from her.

I like tough women.

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm" ~Sir Winston Churchill

I've reached the end of my suffering.

Give me my life. Help me to be normal again.

I want the discipline of a German.

Thank You for my rug at Yale.

God wants me at that level.

Sunday, April 08, 2012

I want a man who does not put his feet up on furniture.

Why do you have to attack me? I am not interested in exchanging anything for my life.

There are constant mutations being tested on life and new environments.

My King, have mercy upon me.

He always lives to make intercession for us.

Failure is a result of unbelief. Faith comes from hearing and hearing from the word of God.

Num 23.19 Deut 27.3

Obedience is proof of faith. Faith commands and receives.

Forgive her for the sins that she has committed.

Forgive her for the darkness that she has caused.

Remove it to a church level. You shouldn't mess it up if you don't want to fix it. Fix everything. Ill take it off, that is the right code. Please move on. Can you stop torturing me? What keeps you here?

Retard, why are you attacking me?

God's spirit is worth more than millions.

She is charming.

God give me the wisdom to discover the right.

She knows no justice but her selfish self. Help her to be sane.

She doesn't know what she is doing. Let me be happy too. God gives her beauty too.

Take it off completely, I want to be normal too. It's not my problem that she does not like me.

I can be happy because she is being human.

I have been arrogant, and not allowed leeway for our human condition. I should be lenient.

Obedience to God, give a tithe. You reap what you sow. Sow unto God.

I will pray that you are blessed so that you do not attack others.

We are all special in some way.

Problems in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Greece.

The frugal characters of countries, such as Germany.

Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Walk like Enoch, in heaven while on earth.

Thank You for this example that we can reference.

Submit to God, resist the devil.

Please help me to walk into heaven.

I see peace in the eyes of our king.

Why do roses have to live among thorns?

Dear God show me how to be rich.

It is because of Jesus that I am alive.

It's the harder way, but it's the better way.

My safety in Canada, she should go now.

She thought that I was on a lower level. They are trying to get rid of HER. God, give me the wisdom to deal with this monster.

Thank You for helping me to get through my Agoraphobia, please help me to be cured completely.

In faith give God no rest. The law is on my side, please enforce the law because of my shameless persistence.

Japan is a heathen country.

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

Fix my weight.

Poor white people attack other white people. They are like animals.

So that she can get the hang of it (going away). Heidi should be grateful for everything, it could all be taken from her in an instant.

The valiant never taste of death but once.

Caesar's friends washed their hands in his blood. I am cool among Yalies.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Be happy, I have done nothing to you.

You can't argue with stupid. Help her to not be a monster, I do not deserve it.

I liked the 100 year old mansion.

Dear God, I had a full scholarship to medical school, please return this grace to me.

Please help me to make it to Canada.

Change everything back to normal, I have done nothing to you.

Take care of poor children.

Hold a Bible study.

Please help me to love myself.

Dear God, give me a treasure trove of gold. Amen.

It doesn't matter what you know.

She tries not to respect me. I am decent.

Please remove the contamination from me from Heidi's devil.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

If holiness is foolishness to the wicked,

How do you make them go away?

You can't molest me. It's a horror story.

Its not fair for her to attack me.

At the right time the message will go through.

Find those who are treated badly, and treat them well.

You are pretending to be on a devil's level.

They must feel inferior if the are cheering each other on. Why should I suffer because of her stupidity?

Respect Kyle.

Thank You for helping me to survive in Switzerland.

Sweet, nice, shy, with edge.

They all want me on the white level. You have to follow the Adventist code. No one else does this level.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Holiness is foolishness to the wicked.

The black woman was not making an effort to be attractive.

Help me to fly down the road.

I am willing, fill me with the Holy Spirit.

Serve the living God.

I felt that you were letting the devil into my life.

Dear God, I put out Lady Tiara and Jenny.

Dear God, if only I had gotten to Grandma in time.

Intelligence in spending on tickets.

If it is from God, He will make a way.

Whatever you do to the least of your brethren, you have done it unto Me.

Make everything work out for my good, as You have promised, Amen.

She won't torment me anymore. She has the community's protection.

My life should not depend upon what little she knows. I deserve my life.

You are lying to yourself.

Please open the door so that I can drive safely.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

We serve a good God.

Sexual arousal through taste and smell -- oysters and lavender.

Jesus, help me to bear this suffering.

God, give me a second chance.

Remove the left code, I cannot feel properly.

Manly men of the 1800's where have they gone?

She has messed up my level. Her brain has made me stupid.

I don't show off my intelligence, I keep it to myself.

Put me back on my old level.

If you are stupid, then you should not attack other people.

She gets affirmative action every day with her white level, she is loved by the community, she should not take what little I have.

I don't want her unholy evil spirit.

Take your brain off!!! It is unholy.

You didn't have to torture me.

Please remove her from me. I am delicate.

They have violent pugilistic spirits.

My memory is going!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Show me how to walk in Your grace.

Please remove the sting of venom in my life.

God will help me.

We each have different sins and forgiveable behaviors, strengths and weaknesses.

Give me the ambrosia of Tom Cruise. Please let my spirit shine with his.

Make Vadim submit to God.

Please let me do things according to my own will and codes so that I can be unique in God.

Thank You for making me happy.

Its dangerous for her to interfere.

God has given us something amazing inside of us. God chose me for such a time as this.

People rise to the level of expectations.

Even though you fall sometimes you will receive the strength to rise.

Jesus will provide for me.

You win from within.

He is God.

It is important what makes me happy and comfortable. Its not my fault, I have done nothing to you. Return my spirit to me.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

She was supposed to help me up OUT of the pit.

Follow the Adventist code.

The Egyptians said take it and go!

Rich God.

Is it a snare?

God has cast our sins behind Him.

He sculpts our characters.

God's love of beauty.

Please help her to leave me alone.

We are in the church. She did love him.

It is not my problem. She can't resolve her sexual feelings for me and regular love. She attacks us because we were nice to her.

Please remove the devil from my spirit.

Don't let people treat you badly. Love yourself.

You do not know the suffering that others have been through.

Cast me up into the sky.

There is darkness in the world.