Thursday, October 07, 2004

Christ is Conflict

What is the answer to these dilemmas?

The inevitable results of Christ's coming is conflict NIV pg 1457

It is part of my nature to feel responsible for things that I shouldn't.

I thought I could help them. Living in a mystikal world is not for me. I dont' belong in it. It isn ot my place to say what someone does or doesn't know. It only messes up my reality when I pretend I know what I really dont know.

I am in the Lord's line

but it also means I am alone.

I can only help with the ideas God gives me and I can only be helped with the ideas God gives them.
Doesn't working together mean being dictated by XXX?

Doesn't it take away from your freedom to obey the Lord?

In God's world am I not anonymous? In whose world am I not?

To Jesus nothing was hidden
For God nothing is hidden

A. Can two walk together unless they be agree?
B. Fellowship. Isn't working together fellowshipping in some way?

acknowledgement (no) vs. participation (no)

God has to take care of the things I don't know

Worrying about devilish attacks have to defend against devil in general. Shoul I leave to take away persecution? Do I bring good or bad with me? I don't think Jesus would. What did they do before I was born?

I don't think that it is right for me to worry. Because the devil would have contorl over everything then.

Enslaved to Satan.
I think that is bad enough. Does he punish them for doing good.

Actually, isnt it up to God?

Apparently so, but so have I been. It would make it a common enemy.

I think I must hate what Satan does but that is not a reason to give up doing good. or to
I should encourage others to do good. I should not lie.

Enslavement of the mind.

If someone is willing to help, it is God who makes them so. It is God who will reward them.

If I were being chased by Nazis I would ask for help because of the need. Not to endanger. The danger is from Nazi's not me. It is not right to huddle in fear and do nothing to save yourself.

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