Saturday, October 02, 2004

Elimination of private property

elimination of private property
A system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed
I wonder if a network of Christian communists regardless of denomination could strengthen each other in holiness and purity
The 19th century Christians were more focused on true Christianity and less distracted and again, ignoring denominations, were true representations of the spirit of Christ.
Separation from the world, not just in avoidance, but when necessary to preserve the Holy Spirit of God.
God could You please help Your Spirit in Your people? How sad that more do not value You or want to listen to You.
How nice that You value us, and will always make a way for us to remain in You.
Like having a sanctuary in a storm. Calling others to SEE its safety
The revival of holiness and the latter rain.
the latter rain
Blessed Jesus strengthen Your people. How glad I am that You will take care of Your church. And that You are the source for all of our love, so that I do not have to worry about the love in others, nor about doing anything for it, but that as in You it is a free gift of God. This is the true Christian spirit. Not maintaining rights but upholding love.
Teach which rights to ignore and which ones to defend.

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