Thursday, October 28, 2004

A soul's adjustment

I suppose that I like to play music because I like to hear a story outside of my own.

I like to see how others managed to embrace life despite their sorrows, see how far the human spirit is able to stretch.

I want to hear nuances of peaceful pleasantries, or the warmth of a heart's contentment.

How hard it is to surround our every waking moment with happiness. How we search for the answers to this need.

I suppose one can adjust the soul or adjust the externals. But what if in changing the world around you, you destroy the only thing that makes you happy?

Jesus, You who allow them to catalyze my destruction mercifully show me how to grow the righteous armor I will need to fight your battles.

Please provide for me the focus and understanding I need to forget everything but You and to subject all things to Thy will.

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