Thursday, October 07, 2004

The essence of eel

God you have taken great pains to prove to me that all flesh is grass, that everything is a waste of time and that people embody the essence of eel.

Yet the only words you have left for me are to be normal, work to save souls, live a normal life exhibit the fruits of the spirit.

Who am I doing this for?

I know that all things must be done for the Lord.

But if I am horrified by their presences and they have already heard about you, then what is left to say?

What is left to say?

I could pray for them.

Perhapst hat is all I am emotionally ready to do
until I grow in Christ.

Because if if take Your name I cannot take it in vain.

But once they have rejected You , have you not said to shake the dust off your feet?

It is a complex place to live int.
You do not let me out to be with normal people, yet at the same time I am not told what to do here.

Let us pretend that they are in the heavenlies which is why they don't condescend to speak to normal people.

Then what the ____ are they aharrassing me for? If they don't want to be involved, they should mind their own business. Who asked to be harrassed?

They all want to be involved, but not enough and definitely not enough for me. They just want to entertain themselves with rumors and evil.

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