Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Despite appearances-- we are not able to be good or evil

I have been up half the night. I am exhausted. Am I even doing what I need to do?

Daily we need deliverance from the hands of satan and his workers. How is it that we can forget such a thing? How is it that we can be unaware of our constant danger. It is because (for me at least) of my erroneous beliefs. I actually believe that people are capable of of being good. believed. I dont believe that any more. I dont necessarily believe that people are capable of being evil either. I think we are motivated by spirits and we choose which one to listen to. This is not of course categorical, we are not completely empty. But from what I have seen in the world, the way the hearts of man do not give the even the desire to choose anything else but what they do choose -- it seems to me that we are weaker than we appear.

The Christian must learn to get self out of the way so that God will be able to work through her.

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