Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Fair as the moon

I am a smoldering wick before the Lord, yet because of the love of Christ, even if deluges of the waters of death were poured over my heart it would not put out the fire-- because the Lord is my heart's fire. It is the reverse of Elijah's miracle where the fire licked up the water all around.

What a joy it is to see the messages the angels have left across the
centuries for our souls. And for me.

The canticles are about the love relationship between Jesus and our
soul. It teaches that Jesus takes pleasure in the offerings of our heart.

One of my favorite texts:

Who is she that looketh forth as the morning,
fair as the moon,
clear as the sun,
and terrible as an army with banners?
Song 6.10

This is when I appear in God's full glory.

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