Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Sexual Sanctification

It sounds strange, but I think we must share our sexual feelings with Jesus. How else can He sanctify them? How else will we let Him have control over them. We make a silly mistake to hide our sexual feelings from God. Who do we think gave them to us? Who do we think wants us to enjoy them?
When we are joined sexually to another person, we need God to be there. So God needs to be in every sexual feeling that we have. Perhaps Jesus transmits our energy to the other person, but sanctifies it. Perhaps as our souls are shared He sheilds them from attack from all unholiness.
He must be involved in everything. Maybe Jesus needs to be the object of my sexual desire, my spiritual sexual desire. Maybe His Godly purity will sanctify this for both men and women. Do not separate this part of your heart from Him, or else the devil will use it as a foothold.
This is what they mean when they say that the emptiness that we need to fill with God we try to fill with mankind. I thought sex was only for us, for those we can share with physically. But it is not. It is first for Him. He gave us this spirit to share it with Him. Then when He is ready He will direct it towards the one that He wants us to be with. And so what GOD THEN JOINS TOGETHER no man shall put asunder. And we will be one flesh.
Sexual energy must be sanctified.
Strange but true, but when you think of sex, think of Jesus. He must have the Kings right of first sex (in a good way. .)

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