Friday, October 08, 2004

The worth of mankind

7:02 PM 10/5/04 Are they not all valuable?

I wrote this because I was thinking of the beautiful things that He has given to each and every person, that He created us with humor, talent, potential. Each individual person has so much that has been given to them. But it is all going to be destroyed because of the original choice. It is a prayer to God to understand how not to love the world.
But He is the creator and can make more. He is true love, and must love them more than me. I can trust that He is giving to each person as much as He can in their lives, even if they reject Him. He is honoring His creation.
If we do not choose to preserve our spirits, there is nothing that He can do. Our flesh is grass and will be consumed. This world is under a rescue mission and we are free to live or die.
So then, all of those things of beauty are of little worth in the end. They are only accessories. It is our choice to depend on God which is everything in this life. There is no other way out.

1 comment:

Nadia M said...

Thank you for being so nice! All beauty is from Christ as we know. I myself have never heard of an accountability partner. I think I will probably have to wait for a while. Especially if I would need to be accountable for something ... But I wouldn't mind learning more about what it means.